Special Character (!) no longer supported in tags on Desktop


I have noticed that some of my tags are breaking on desktop. I think this is related to another issue:

Expected Behaviour
I expect that typing #!!! will create a tag with #!!!, allowing me to select and filter on all items with this tag.

Actual Result
This created a tag of # !!!, with the exclamation points ignored.
No impact observed on mobile (iOS) apps, which respect the ! as part of the tag.

Impact: Low
This is a breaking change for me but I can (with some difficulty) change my tagging set up. Can you help understand if symbols at the start of tags were intentionally deprecated? Ideally this can be rolled back as I am used to using #!, #!! and #!!! for priority tagging and sorting.

Apologies for this breaking change. Tags were originally not intended to include punctuation, it was a long time bug that we recently fixed. (Mostly talking about #hashtag in general, especially used on twitter) Tags donā€™t include punctuation in almost every other app, which is why weā€™re fixing this bug. Here are links to some previous bug reports:

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Oh and this hasnā€™t been deployed to the mobile app yet, but it will be soon.

Hey Shida, thanks for the update (sorry about late reply). Even though this broke a previous setup it wasnā€™t onerous to reorganise how I was doing things.

PS I really appreciate the added context you and Erica always add to these changes, makes the experience of working with the app so much more pleasurable. Keep up the excellent work.

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