Open in new tab, sorting, embedding, separators and other "improvements"

New version available, with new feature: Customisable separators

installation / update as always:

Every option is described in settings, Iā€™ll not repeat it here. You can click on item with separator or move cursor with arrow keys to edit it without deactivating other separators.

Some examples:




this is awesome @piotr !

I never knew I wanted this but this is something Iā€™d definitely use to make my documents easier to read

Also by the way, I think this chrome extension is handy for grabbing out youtube embed codes (for the enable embedded powerpack feature)

I might make my own version of rawbytezā€™ clip to dynalist embed code, but instead it will be a clip youtube embed code + shortcut key setting

Couldnā€™t find anything other than this for youtube embed link extraction but it doesnā€™t have built in shortcut support / default settings

By the way @piotr , I have a suggestion for improvement on ā€œcustomizable seperatorsā€

Actually two different features related to it (not sure if it can be done though)

1. Assign the seperator directly on the content bulletpoint (above or below it)

The extension you had has to be a dedicated bulletpoint for the seperator

Why not merge the content so it does the following? mockup:

The line could be specified to go above or below the bulletpoint

Javascript would have to modify the CSS height of that bulletpoint though

2. Customized CSS per tag designation

Thereā€™s a add on external feature in workflowy where you could assign a tag on the parent bulletpoint, and all childpoint / their childbulletpoints would get a customized CSS feel.

This is really handy if you really wanted to focus in on one area only in your document without using zoom functions (its very similar to the dynalist ā€œOn-Focusā€ css node-outter thing we discussed about before.

Workflowy, its called the ā€œWorkflowy Painterā€ and ā€œWorkflowy Colorful tagsā€ and a user here modified the script to change parent / child behavior:

see this image:

at this blogpost

just food for thought :slight_smile:

This is amazing. Thank you @Piotr!

Excellent, I can now Embed my Google Calendar including Dynalist calendar syncs.

Thanks @Piotr

Nice :slight_smile:

Itā€™s unnatural to think that separator is somehow merged with content. I want the ability to move it in space easily like any other item. With next version whole node (.Node-outer) with separator inside will have additional css class and you will be able to globally (with css in Stylish) remove bullets, change height or whatever else you want and still be able to move it freely.

Iā€™m currently working with sorting, after that I want to implement counting words etc, after that I will merge other scripts with powerpack (highlighting, focus, bookmarks+files in one pane) and then we will see :slight_smile:

New version with new feature: Sorting

installation / update as always:

  • mark all children items or only fragment (with tags, you can see syntax in example below and in popup with settings)
  • multiple places to sort in one document - sort all at once with shortcut or click on rendered button to sort in one place
  • manual or auto sorting
  • sort by multiple types of values (a-z, numbers, colors, dates) with asc/desc order
  • it take about 5 seconds to sort 1000 items with completely random strings like ā€œ09ankHFXlQ1jzQ3693Jrā€

Some examples before activation: (click on image or open in new tab to see all image, itā€™s more than 3000px height)

After activation:

@Vincent_Tang you can now use css to remove bullets and/or change height of node with separator, this looks ok with default theme:
.separator { height: 20px; margin-top: -7px; margin-left: -25px; } .separator .Node-bullet { display: none; }

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oh man this is so awesome!

also its permanent too :slight_smile:

I tried the new seperator thing with added CSS, this is neat as well

thanks @piotr as always!


I tested the CSS it makes it super buggy

I didnā€™t knew that you want to separate things on different levels and have children of separator itself :slight_smile: you should use sth like that with this case
.separator > .Node > .Node-self .Node-content { height: 10px; margin-left: 21px; margin-top: -5px; } .separator > .Node > .Node-self .Node-bullet { display: none; } .separator > .Node > .Node-children { margin-top: -10px; }

if itā€™s still buggy for you than you should use only display:none; for bullet and have default height, sorry

its fine Iā€™ll probably figure it out later

I meant that I wanted to have the original node-content on that still be visible

Like the word ā€œQwertyā€ to appear on its own bulletpoint (still visible) with the line on top of it (with no bulletpoint)

It would have to be a rewrite of the tamperscript though, since its canā€™t be purely down with CSS

Donā€™t worry about it though Iā€™ll figure it out later

other questions about autosort

By the way is it possible to have this feature in the sort?

Iā€™d really love to sort things by ā€œlast-modified dateā€ or ā€œbulletpoint creation dateā€ on the first level child nodes where the sort function is at

E.G (it doesnā€™t do sort by metadate currently)

The numbers here are referring to the exact order in which I created (and also) latest updated bulletpoint. Like Bulletpoint 1 was created first, then bulletpoint 2 was created next, etc

Ideally, this is what I wanted it to look like

this would be good because sometimes I add bulletpoints straight from the top of the list or sometimes at the bottom, depending on how big it was originally

It would be good for sorting out tasks - inbox by the order you created them, etc.

Sometimes I forget to use the ā€œ!ā€ date function as well so this would be really neat

I highly doubt you can do this without the dynalist API since when i inspected the source I didnā€™t see anywhere to grab metadate

Adding onto this a way to automatically STAMP the top level child bulletpoints in a list using the ā€œ!ā€ parameter. Based on either the bulletpoints ā€œlast modified dateā€ or ā€œcreation dateā€. But its not possible without dynalist API though no easy way to grab metadate info.

Also, for people who do task management using CTRL+ENTER, having another way to STAMP when an item is checked off


sorry you could actually get this information already:

other ideas to add onto powerpack (Color theming)

  • Specify a tag on parent, give all child + their children nodes a different CSS feel, for default white theme like a really light green background, light pink, etc . LIKE: rgb(x,y,z) where x, y, z are all values from 240 to 255. Example color pallette:

This wouldnā€™t work for dark theme however, something like this might be better for dark theme: rgb(x,y,z) where x,y,z is values from 0 to 50

I think to keep it simple, use the color hex code so the user can specify whatever color they want as the tag. e.g. #000000 for black. But when its specified to be used, use ##000000 to specify black color. And maybe some premade colors like ##lightgreen for default white theme, or ##darkgreen for dark theme.

this way a user can just type in ## and see what color options they used already since its also a tag.

Example, so users can search for areas where they applied said color theme or use whatever colors they had before

Another big idea

Dynalist RES, similar to reddit RES

Specifically for previewing youtube embed links, images, resizing image/videos previewed, etc

more ideas

pretty much everything I named on here, in dynalist API suggestions

  • (anki tags)

  • (macro button in list [simialr to sorting A-Z thing you made] to auto collapse all items in that list or uncollapse all)

Yes, I thought you didnā€™t want to see bullet and also wanted it to take less space, but if you want those borders on top/down then you will need to do some serious rewrite.

I can actually, and itā€™s easy :slight_smile: Possibly tomorrow, today I may have no time.

I donā€™t know if I can mess with calendar, I tried before with something else and it failed, will see

it was quick, script is updated, you can try

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It works as intended. ā€œSort by:createdā€

However I noticed something else. Dynalist records only by minutes at most, so if there are 2 bulletpoints created at the same time, the order doesnā€™t change (at least if you sort by ascending)

Which is why 5 is still above 4

Test for sort by edited date works fine too

By the way, all of these sort functions are only based on the top level childpoints in the list right? (no childs of childs are sorted)

also I thought of another good feature related to sorting: what if you wanted to have two different sorts? (so you can visualize data in different ways?) E.G.

Might be useful if you wanted to see what notes you wrote first VS what notes you are currently editing/working on

Iā€™m taking timestamp directly from DYNALIST javascript object, so at least in theory it is down to a second. I tested it and it works fine for me, both ways ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ Maybe you are too fast :stuck_out_tongue:

yes, children are not affected in any way

itā€™s as simple as changing few characters in tag, this script is right now hard to maintain and thereā€™s still many things to do :slight_smile:

Iā€™m getting a weird glitch where any sorting method I use (color, created, etc.) automatically defaults to sort by alpha or number in ascending order. Seems to be working fine for @Vincent_Tang so not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong here. Using TamperMonkey on Chrome in Windows.

Are you using this syntax #[sort|by:color|order:desc]? Look at the ā€œby:ā€ and ā€œorder:ā€ part, without those prefixes it doesnā€™t know what you want and defaults to alpha with ascending order.

Yes, if I copy and paste exactly what you listed above, I get this (showing notes so you can see what I input):

UPDATE: I figured this out. The syntax needs to be in the actual line item, Iā€™ve been putting it in the note. Never mind. Apologies for the confusion.

Oh, I see :slight_smile: yeah, rendering under item can be confusing

this is my document for tests, if someone else have some troubles (you need to copy it to your DL first, button for that is on the top left corner)

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Thanks for all this Piotr, really great work (the sorting is especially useful for me as this is one thing I sometimes used excel for instead of dynalist)! Do you think sort by tag would be feasible at some point? I.e. just bring all items with a specific tag to the top of the list? I never know how difficult requests like this are :smiley:

Playing around with this - so handy, thank you!! Do you think it would be possible also at some point to allow for multiple sort buttons on a single list e.g.

Thank you so much for this.