Tag pane (Pro feature)

Just a reminder (vote) that renaming tags would close a major gap.


Thanks for the reminder!

Short after thought…the Document Finder pop up (Ctrl+O) is a great example for how I’d prefer a tag search feature to work.

No need to reply. Just wanted to mention that for the record.

Agreed! It makes use of an existing UI and is less reliant on the mouse. Thanks for the suggestion!

Update: sorting is available now! (Web only right now)

You can toggle between sorting alphabetically (A-Z) and sorting by occurrences (most frequent to least frequent).



Sorting tags is great! Thanks so much!

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When can we expect folders, any estimates? With 100+ tags it’s hard to analyse information:(

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Agreed, folders for tags and bookmarks would be fantastic.

Does toggling sort help at all?

It sure does! But sometimes it’s much easier to search the items by broad topic. Creating a “category” tag for each item is cumbersome and you have no way of finding the items without the category.
So, folders. Not the end of the world, if you have more important issues at hand, I understand.

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Thanks for being so understanding!

Folders can be useful, but it seems that it’s more work for both us and the end users, since you need to create, maintain, and update the folders.

Will a simple search filter at the top be more useful and lightweight at the same time?

I’m not sure it makes much sense from design standpoint, but yeah, sleek unobtrusive search bar would be a QoL feature.

As to my other concerns: it would be nice to see which notes have no tag at all, in case you added something quickly and then forgot to tag it. If you have lots of stuff in your Inbox, the item would be lost forever:) Something along the lines of that:


What do you think?

I understand as a new member I have a 14 day trial of pro features. I don’t have this tag pane.

EDIT: the web view has it. The desktop (Windows) view does not.)

Please restart the app, sorry for the inconveniences!

I wonder what should be under there, a list of all untagged items with their full notes? Looks overwhelming especially if a person doesn’t tag everything (that might be the majority of users, since I can’t image myself tagging things like book notes and meeting notes either).

Right, my bad; I meant it to open a list of all untagged notes in the main window, like it’s a separate file. Not a drop down like #tags, of course… Anyway, I still want folders:D What do you mean by “create, maintain and update”? How are tag folders fundamentally different from file folders? Coding-wise it shouldn’t be that hard, come on. Here’s what I think it should look like:


It’s not perfect by any means, just a basic visualization.
Alright now, isn’t that looks amazing?!?!one

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Tags are dramatically different than files. Files are saved on our server and are persistent, whereas tag counts are counted each time you open Dynalist or edit something, so they are fresh on each restart.

Given this, you should understand why it’s hard to add folders to tags. Tags do not persist, and tag folders need to persist. More accurately, it’s not technically hard, but it’s not elegant design given the current state, since tags will be kept in two different ways (1. computed from scratch and 2. saved in folder data). So we’ll need to think more about how to properly do it.

I really hope that this feature of having the tag pane also show tags at the current zoom level is still planned. It would make it so much easier to tell at a glance the contents of dense parts of any given document. Ideally this part of the tag pane would also display only the tags present within search results after a search is conducted. That would be so powerful. Any chance this feature could at least be added to Trello so it can start moving up the chain?


You can start with posting a feature request in the forum and see if others are interested in it as well.

If the answer is yes, we can add it to the Trello board! :smile:

+1 for Tag Folders!