Notifications for the items with date

Well, I get notifications for Dynalist events on both iOS and Android – it’s just awkward to have to set them up in Google Calendar instead of directly in Dynalist. I wish there was a way to set them up directly in Dynalist, while that notifications setup would be synced to Google Calendar along with all the other event properties.

And, yes, I agree: until I discovered Dynalist, I couldn’t imagine my life without Toodledo (a Todoist competitor, but dying). Yet Dynalist is so good, despite not being intended as a task manager per se, that it could replace Toodledo for me if push comes to shove. I still use both simultaneously, but I find myself using Toodledo less and less.

(Particularly, Dynalist’s note-taking abilities are phenomenal, so I stopped entering notes on tasks in Toodledo altogether, instead putting a link there to the Dynalist task where notes can be elaborated properly.)

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Yes. If you haven’t done so already, feel free to upvote Mobile notifications for dates n the Dynalist Roadmap.



And Desktop Notification for Dates as well ;^)


Is there a way to make a link to a certain item with a certain search? I would be very interested in this!

If I understand you right, then the answer is yes! Every search in Dynalist has its own custom URL. So if you had a saved search for “cheese” the URL at the top of your browser would look like this:

See that “#q=cheese” at the end? That’s the custom query. Paste that URL into your Dynalist doc and it becomes a search you can execute with a click. I create document-specific searches like this all the time:

  • Using the web version of Dynalist, create a search as normal, optionally zoomed in to a particular node.
  • Copy the URL to your system clipboard.
  • Paste the URL into your document.
  • Optionally create custom text for it by making it a Markdown link, e.g.: [Cheese](...)

And you’re done! Click the link to zoom in and search.


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This is awesome - thank-you very much!

Reminder is a very useful feature. I ended up in Dynalist after trying many to do list app. I know Dynalist is more than a to do list app. I was looking for an app with unlimited nested multilevel subtask and with a web version. I found Dynalist satisfying all I want from such an app except a push notification for reminder. I read that you dont have an intention to add a reminder for Dynalist. But my strong reccommendation is to have REMINDER to make it perfect app as many are looking for that feature. Then we dont want an extra app to give us reminder when we have Dynalist doing it for us.

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Well, reminders work fine for me via Google Calendar.

Requiring another app to fulfil the actions is not a good option in my opinion. There are another apps which can do it without the help of an additional app.

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If an app is USED to track ToDo items, then it IS a ToDo app. End of story. An app is whatever people think it is and use if for. If I can’t get reminders then I need to go back to a simple pad and pencil! A pencil and paper is not a ToDo app, but it works for that. It is not word processor, but people write notes and letters with it without thinking twice. Pencil and paper is not a calculator app … yet people use them to calculate. See where I’m going with this. How you “promote” it is simply beside the point of what the users want to use it for.

Taking this a step further, Dynalist has a mind map view, but it is not a mind mapping app. It just has that extra feature that some might like. There are ToDo apps which are not outliners, but when I needed an outliner, I would just play games with tabs, spaces, and numeric prefixes to get what I needed.

I guess if you are dead set against doing reminders based on a date I add to an item, then so be it. But seriously, you have to realize that people leave software that is user hostile. At the moment you have a nice light app that gives me about 80% of what I want. If it dips much below that, I’ll find a better solution.


If I can’t get reminders then I need to go back to a simple pad and pencil!

Time for me to upgrade my pad and pencil, so I, too, can get reminders from those! (Sorry, I know, that was an easy one; I’m blame it on this being a Friday afternoon.)


I must say, that’s not sufficient reason to go to pencil. I can’t quickly reorganize my todo list if it’s written on paper! For myself, I have no objection to Notifications being added to the program, but I get along fine without them. If it were added, there may need to be a distinction in date types. Not every dated thing deserves to remind me of its date.

Paper and pen are dead and useless, absurdly inefficient and even harmful that way. For reading books, paper is useless as well (I stopped reading printed books when iPads were invented), and it’s a hundred times more useless & inefficient for a to-do list.

And I apologize, but I don’t quite get all the moaning in this thread – the notifications are there, via Google Calendar. They are very robust there, and highly configurable. Would it be nice to have notifications directly within Dynalist? Yes, it would. But it’s not like they aren’t available at all.

And yes, Dynalist is the perfect to-do app, whether its authors originally intended it or not. (I’m currently in the midst of transferring my 400+ to-do tasks, many of them recurring & long-term, from the abandonware Toodledo to Dynalist.)

The lack of reminders is the only reason I haven’t purchased the pro version. I find it out that something named Dynamic List has so many features of a todo app but seems to not want to claim that it can function as one? Highlighting, date setting, checkboxes, checkoffs etc.

DynaList - you may not want to be considered a todo app but many off us want to use ONE multi-purpose app. Please enable reminders. Why push your customers to outside apps for this simple feature? Reminders in any list app is extremely useful.

See the screenshot below. A simple notification about the line item that is scheduled in 5 minutes would be great.


But it does have reminders. And it utilizes a much more reliable API over at Google Calendar to run them. Just register a dedicated google calendar, enable sync in dynalist settings, and then in google calendar settings there is a wide array of notification options - it can email you 90 minutes before the time, 5 minutes before the time, both, it can pop up a mobile notification, it can even send notifications to slack and discord and smart lightbulbs and your smart refridgerator via IFTTT. It’s great. Dynalist is my primary place to enter reminders. Perfect system.

I do NOT want some 2 developer electron app trying to implement reminders itself locally tho… mobile operating systems are notorious for putting apps into a deep sleep and missing reminders. Google Calendar is a priviledged app that is exempted from these deep sleep features, and also runs on a trillion dollar cloud, I can trust it to get the reminders to all my mac/linux/windows devices and my email without worry.


It’s a moot point now. Mobile and desktop notifications are already feature requests, with the mobile one being a top candidate with >80 votes. If you need it (like many people do), then vote for it. Otherwise, don’t vote. I for one prefer an app to cover all needed bases, regardless of how many developers work on it, especially if there is a pro/paid version available, without forcing the user to subscribe to a completely different app/site to get something as trivial as notifications which thousands of other apps support OOTB.

You would need dynalist open and running on all devices to ensure you get the notification. I certainly don’t always keep the mac app running. Plenty of users don’t even install the mac app - the browser version is more functional. And then they close their browser.

Sounds very fragile, with a lot of complains about missing notifications.

Sounds like a regression in existing functionality and reliability. Compulsively packing features into one app when it could be more reliably split between apps has a name

Of course, this is all personal preference. It’s on the trello. My hope is that it doesn’t siphon development time away from features I consider valuable.

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Can you do an actual Google reminder, as opposed to a calendar event with a notification?

No but each google calendar can be set in settings to “send mobile notifications 0 minutes before event”

Desktop notifications ( can be moved to “Top feature candidates”, it has more than 80 votes (108).

As for me personally I consider switching to taskade because it does have reminders for tasks. It does not (yet) work offline, but they say it is in hard development.

So who will come first: Dyanlist will develop task notifications or Taskade will finish the offline mode?