New to Dynalist

Hello, I don’t really have a specific question so maybe this isn’t appropriate here. I’ve known about Dynalist for a while and am now going to try it out and see how it can fit into my workflow.

I am a long-time GTD practitioner but looking to simplify my system that has just become to complicated. I seem to really like outliner style programs and have tried GTDNext and WorkFlowy but each has limiting limitations, (if you will) for me. I want to be able to email into the program and it has to work well on mobile. Dynalist seems to fit that bill.

I was also pleasantly surprised that Dynalist has Canadian roots. Being Canadian (in Nova Scotia) this makes a difference to me. So that was cool. Also was happy to find a name from the past @ruud whose Evernote GTD setup I once used for a long time. So that was cool, too.



Welcome to the community, Peter! Hope everything goes well. Stay safe!


There are Lots of GTDers here .

Take a look at these two posts:

I had no idea that Dynalist has Canadian roots. How cool?

Take off to the Great White North (I’m here in Michigan)!

Thanks @Kenneth_Aar, I will check these out.


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Went to school in Michigan and met my wife there. We are both Calvin grads (Grand Rapids)


No way, me too! Calvin grad from Ontario

Hi and welcome,

I wrote a post about GTD with dynalist here too: My latest GTD setup in dynalist

Dynalist is great for GTD but your system can become overcomplicated like you say as there’s so much freedom :slight_smile: You’ll see right at the end in that post someone asked me for an update to this and I outlined my slightly modified simpler system which I’m still using

If you want to be decently productive on mobile check out quick dynalist too for widgets and quick send to anywhere

Good luck!


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Thanks @Stephen_Dewitt. I’ll check it out. Once I’m up and running, I can share my setup here


@Alan Small world, isn’t it? I’m originally from Ontario (Oshawa)