Imported tags are case-sensitive, creating duplicates

Exact same issue I’m still asking about (with no reply), here: New Tag Pane feature seems to have broken autocomplete capitalization of previous tags (Bug on ticket fixed, yet the same issue as here, was not).

Pls update - what’s progress and position on this issue at Dynalist HQ?

EDIT: For clarity, here’s the latest I added on other ticket:

Sorry for the late reply, we have been in the middle of an office move recently, and started replying to the piled up forum threads in the past few days. The order is a little random, and I’m sorry it hasn’t gotten a reply yet.

I’ll reply to the issue under your own post.

Pls keep it here/merge - this bug is the exact same issue (other was not)

“other was not”?

Would you prefer me close the other one as a duplicate?

Yes, detail here, you already closed other ticket.

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On top of the details listed, the search results don’t even return the Case-Sensitive tags, they return ALL case-insensitive tags. So, cleaning up the mess of tags that I’ve needed to clean up for over a year now just got even more painful :frowning: .

Can we please get a confirmation - is anything happening with this?
If so, eta?

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Do you mind telling me what you’re trying to clean up here? Are you trying to merge “#msg” and “#Msg”?

That’s right, along with many other tags.

It occurred to me that a case-sensitive find and replace would also resolve this issue.

As an aside, not a DL issue, any suggestions on deleting duplicates?

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Am I missing something, is there existing merge functionality?

Something like that – for tags under “Document tags” (not for “All tags” yet), you can right click, select “Rename” and rename it to another case-sensitive tag.

I tried renaming “#Msg” to “#msg” and it seems to work.

Right, didn’t know, yet mine are over multiple lists.

That does cut down some time though, thanks :+1:

Any updates in other regards, perchance? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there! New pro user here. Any update on this? I tag keywords inside sentences, and sometimes the tagged word is at the beginning of the sentence so it’s capitalized - “Tag” vs “tag”.
I know I can rename the tag to make them all lower case, but then those sentences will begin with a lower case letter, which is problematic when exporting.

I believe the biggest difficulty we encountered in the past (if you read up the discussion) is that we’re unsure how to display the merged tags.

For example, if you have #someTag, #someTAG, #SOMETAG, and #sometag, which one should be shown in the tag pane?

I would think showing them all lower case would be fine for the majority of users. Unless someone is using “Tag” and “tag” for different things (which seems odd), displaying them however would be fine. Just nice to not have duplicates.
Appreciate all you guys do!

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen quite a few that use multiple words in #TitleCase format, such as #SomeProjectName. We’ve been discussion if the best way would be to find the highest occurrence format and use that one instead, but we’re also concerned about any performance impacts for doing so.

Bear’s implementation seems to be pretty effective.
In the tag pane, all tags are displayed lower case, yet it displays the results of the tag in all cases (see screenshot). I think this would be a fine solution regardless of a users capitalization preferences. And it wouldn’t affect performance (if I understand it correctly). And no duplicates. Thanks again for the consideration. :raised_hands:

(How it displays in Dynalist, note that the search RESULTS are not case sensitive, so clicking any of the 3 in the tag pane shows all 3):


That sounds like an OK solution, but we just want to make sure we have all cases considered.

For example, tag-auto-completion uses the same dictionary (and sorting) as tag pane, which means if you usually type a tag with #TitleCase, it’ll auto-complete to #titlecase which may not be intended.

A patch is now issued for the web app. If people don’t find any issues with the implementation it will be promoted to desktop/mobile soon.

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I think the implementation is EXCELLENT!!! Solves the problem and allows for the most use cases.
Thank you so much for how responsive you are to us.
Very grateful for dynalist. :raised_hands:

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Agreed, it’s looking really good so far, thanks @Shida!

Now only if the trailing tag punctuation issue was also fixed (Mentions/tags include common punctuation), I’d be really happy! Having to artificially insert spaces in natural sentences is still a daily irritant, so that you don’t end up with @Jane @Jane) @Jane? and @Jane/@Jack.