Flat Dynalist view

Ya, that makes sense. Maybe you can see a better way to do what Iā€™m trying to do, Iā€™m sharing a bit more about my own use case to see what Iā€™m wrestling with:

My work is project based, I have dozens of projects over the course of the year, different ones active at different times. The point is to have a short-list of action priorities, from a range of the active projects, and to have a view where I can sort the action priorities on the fly while leaving the main project organization alone. I enter data into the projects (or into a scratch outline, which I then put into the projects as time permits.) Point being: the info is organized by project; the workflow doesnā€™t follow that exactly.

For managing my workflow: now, I have a separate bullet up top for high priority work. Under that, I create links back to the active pieces of each project, each link points to the action items for each project. I can sort the links however I want, as I constantly juggle my workflow, complete tasks, bump other items around, etc. I use those links to go to the source info which is still organized by project. I think this is essentially what you suggested, @Kevin_Murray.

Thatā€™s a lot of back and forth (MUDA, as someone pointed out). Iā€™m not working with the actual data in the workflow. Priority tags / filtering doesnā€™t work for this, I just get a messy context/parent intensive list that I canā€™t sort.

Analogy: think about a paper notebook system. Iā€™d have a section for each project, where Iā€™m constantly monitoring what needed. I want to look on the front page / first section, before the projects, and use that for all the stuff thatā€™s hot, w/out the context info getting in the way. Iā€™m going to constantly rewrite that high level priority list it in the order I want to do the tasks, not in the order of the underlying projects. Iā€™d be happy to show you a screen share, but maybe this is clear enough.

Net net: @Kevin_Murray is right, I really do want ā€œan autonomous view w/ its own sort,ā€ the question is whether thatā€™s possible.

Thanks for helping me think through the best way to handle w/in the confines of Dynalist.

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Yes, that said @Erica, there is still potential for a dashboard-like feature. Say you searched for a particular tag like #project. It would generate search results like FlatFlowy, where each item linked back to its original position. You could still manually order those in a separate space without necessarily messing with their original hierarchies.

Related to this would be an option to change tags in search results, and hide notes to make it easier to scan them.

(I wrote this before the @Alex_Moss post which does seem to suggest something similar.)

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Ya, I think what @Kevin_Murray is describing is pretty much what Iā€™m looking for. I understand the challenge w/ reorganizing the actual data when that same data appears in the priority list up top. Iā€™m looking for a more efficient way to manage the tagged results or links to the underlying data than what I have now, which is labor intensive = waste of time. I really do need (ok, want) both views, the stable underlying project view, and the sortable priorities view.

Thanks for helping me think about it. The FlatFlowy concept seems appealing, I just looked at it, it solves 1/2 the problem, i.e. just the hot items w/out the context. It misses the need I have to be able to sort, even if only sorting links, i.e. if there were a more elegant way to create and manage those links. To be continued w/ further suggestions, I hopeā€¦

Im just reminding about this. could be added to the trello board?

Itā€™s this one, right? https://trello.com/c/Xp5R5eNA/143-flattened-search-results-without-parents

(Sorry for the late reply! :frowning:)

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Sneak peek: you can do this now! The view is read-only like in Search Everywhere, because the outliner structure is not preserved here.



Nice feature.

Testing it, I noticed that some time the parents item information is missing.

Quick example to explain the rational :

a flat search on Frank leads to :
The results shows a lot of line with the same results, and the upstream items is very relevant to deliver information.

It should be easy to provide the parent path in the results. Either inline, or maybe a floating window when hovering on the items. Here is a mock-up with the two cases :

Personally I prefer the inline path because it delivers comprehensive information for every line in a single view and avoid having to hover line by line (Though it can easily be an setting option.

Ps: I suggest a short message displayed alongside the search result to indicate this is a flat one. It is obvious when the search was launched on the spot, but when bookmarked a reminder might be useful.


Great to see. This combines nicely with the ā€œin:titleā€ search parameter. Any chance that there might be at least limited editing, such as changing tags? That would make a good workflow.

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A promising start ā€“ thank you ā€“ but I agree with Matthieu that inline path information would make this flat search really useful.


Erica, this is a great start! I love where youā€™re going with this. Itā€™s really helpful to be able to focus on just the nodes that match without worrying about the hierarchy.

I would love a way to sort this flat list. One of my use cases is storywriting, where Iā€™d like to collect story events from all over the document (e.g. from character histories) and see them in chronological order. For example, with the made-up document below, it would be fantastic to do a flat search for #event and have it sorted to see all the events in order!

Sorting would also be great for sorting to-do lists in due-date order, etc. etc.

Nice! Thanks :slight_smile:

Now all we need is for it to live update when e.g. new items that fit the terms are created / items within the list are changed so they no longer fit

Edit: OR (less good but better than nothing), a little ā€˜refreshā€™ button next to the search box - at the moment we have to escape the search and run it again, which is a bit cumbersome

@MatthieuPiquemal @MarcusM: thanks for the feedback! That will certainly be helpful in the future development of this feature :slight_smile:


Youā€™re in luck Craig! Sorting is what we plan to add next :slight_smile:

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Woohoo! Thanks! Looking forward to trying it out.

This is great. I find it very useful to be able to see a todo list (amongst other things) as a simple list sourced from multiple places.
It would be even better if I could expand any items under the list though (I often put info about a todo items under the item) - is that possible or is that caused by the same issue that means we are unable to edit?
And is the ability to edit never going to be possible? (Just trying to manage my expectations)

Today I found that I can use sort option on Flat Search View.
It is very helpful and awesome.

I would like to use this function on my mobile.
When can I use this function on my mobile (iPhone and Android ) ?

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Not yet, weā€™ll try to fit it into the app soon. On the mobile app more work is required, like where to fit this option (mobile space is precious), and how to redo the layout for mobile. I hope thatā€™s understandable!

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I didnā€™t realize this was already available! Iā€™m looking forward to playing with it. Thank you!

Dear Erica,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I understood that it was not easy to add this option into the mobile app.
I look forward to using this fantastic option on my mobile soon.

I have some more request as for flat search.

Steps to reproduce
1.Focus on one main topic whichi has some subtopics.
2.Use nomal search
3.Get search result only under one main topic with hierarchy structute
4.Use Flat search

Expected result
After setp 4 , get search result only under one main topic with flat view.

Actual result
After step 4 get search result not under one main topic but under the wohle document with flat view.

I use Windows 8.1 Pro and chrome browser which is latest version (75.0.3770.100)

I would like to see search result only under focused topic with flat view as same as nomal search result.

In additon, although my note setting is to display only one line, full-text is displayed in flat search result.
I think that it might be better to see note along with our own view setting.

I also appreciate that if I could register this flat search result as a bookmark.

Do you have any plan to improve according to my hope ?