Ya, that makes sense. Maybe you can see a better way to do what I’m trying to do, I’m sharing a bit more about my own use case to see what I’m wrestling with:
My work is project based, I have dozens of projects over the course of the year, different ones active at different times. The point is to have a short-list of action priorities, from a range of the active projects, and to have a view where I can sort the action priorities on the fly while leaving the main project organization alone. I enter data into the projects (or into a scratch outline, which I then put into the projects as time permits.) Point being: the info is organized by project; the workflow doesn’t follow that exactly.
For managing my workflow: now, I have a separate bullet up top for high priority work. Under that, I create links back to the active pieces of each project, each link points to the action items for each project. I can sort the links however I want, as I constantly juggle my workflow, complete tasks, bump other items around, etc. I use those links to go to the source info which is still organized by project. I think this is essentially what you suggested, @Kevin_Murray.
That’s a lot of back and forth (MUDA, as someone pointed out). I’m not working with the actual data in the workflow. Priority tags / filtering doesn’t work for this, I just get a messy context/parent intensive list that I can’t sort.
Analogy: think about a paper notebook system. I’d have a section for each project, where I’m constantly monitoring what needed. I want to look on the front page / first section, before the projects, and use that for all the stuff that’s hot, w/out the context info getting in the way. I’m going to constantly rewrite that high level priority list it in the order I want to do the tasks, not in the order of the underlying projects. I’d be happy to show you a screen share, but maybe this is clear enough.
Net net: @Kevin_Murray is right, I really do want “an autonomous view w/ its own sort,” the question is whether that’s possible.
Thanks for helping me think through the best way to handle w/in the confines of Dynalist.