Find Replace

This is the one thing I’d most like to see in Dynalist.

I love tagging to keep track of @people but not all tags should be permanent. I might have an exciting business meeting with @bob tomorrow, but I might not know @bob in a year and I might not want his tag taking up space in my tag window. If I could find and replace (deleting all @bobs or turning them into plain ol’ Bob) that would make tagging a much more useful option for me.

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You already can delete all @bobs by rename it in tag panel and delete all letters, it will remove all @bobs for you that way :slight_smile:

This is certainly a feature I would like as well. Seems like it should be very do-able as well - why is it not already implemented?



Find and replace would be very useful. Sometimes information or formatting needs updated in many places


Yep, we totally agree!

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:thinking: I’m hoping that’s a “watch this space” kind of response Erica :crossed_fingers:

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Find and replace would be very useful.

It arrived at the end of last year :slight_smile:

It’s a local F&R, what I am talking about is the global one - all lists at once, or at least a whole folder

Could you post a separate feature request for that please? That way we can know how many people want global search and replace specifically vs document level.

Does it have to be one or the other?

Global will be an extension of the local (e.g. with a checkbox that says “Replace across all docs”).

It’s not an easy extension though. Excerpt from another post of ours:

The biggest obstacle of that is by updating all the links, there is going to be a change across all documents that cannot be undone, which is what we need to think through right now. It’s for the same reason that tags can only be renamed locally, and search and replace only works within a document. We want you to be able to undo any change with Ctrl+Z, but that does not work across documents right now.

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Ok, I’ll make an another feature request.
Anyway that’s not a killer feature for now.


Could we get a keyboard shortcut for find replace, or at least add it to the cmd+F find tool?


Really hoping to be able to cmd+R for replace. I so rarely look at the popup menu I didn’t even realize it was in there. I use shortcuts for almost everything.

why don’t i have it? Windows desktop app.

So I spent about 1/2 hour the other day manually making the same change to a text string, thinking “why doesn’t Dynalist have search and replace? :thinking:”.

Just now an update came for Win desktop app so I decided to see if there were any new features. Lo and behold while searching I find that actually there is a search replace feature.

  1. Why is this not shown as an option on the popup menu for Search function. The way it is in every other app ever programmed ever…

  2. Why is the hotkey not "CTRL/CMD + R by default … the way it is in every other app ever programmed ever…

  3. Why did I have to almost accidentally stumble over the fact that the feature is already in this program that I use every single day to track almost every single project and errand in my life (not exaggerating)

Love the app guys …but your customers shouldn’t be wasting time (some people are saying hours of time) because you didn’t finish the last 5% of the job when adding a feature. Make it easy to find and use, thanks.

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