Dynalist Ideas // Use Cases

Iā€™ve been thinking about doing that, but have been finding it difficult to find stuff to write about. I think Iā€™ll try whatā€™s suggested here: https://www.toddbrison.com/microjournaling/

Ah, thatā€™s what I initially used Dynalist for, to write specs for projects.

Right, which is why Iā€™m glad I made this thread! The first one is definitely good for building oneā€™s resume/CV.

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In the spirit of an offline brain, I have a ā€˜Dumpā€˜ document which is jus a huge, flat list of titles/keywords, each containing useful stuff. For example:

  • Background / Stock Music
  • Themes / Color Combinations for Presentations
  • Favorite Movies
  • OS X Karabiner configuration
  • GIF creation website

With that last example, Iā€™m essentially replacing browser bookmarks, as @JP1 mentioned s/he does (@JP1, what are your PGPs?).

I think Iā€™m trying to recreate a concept I saw in this really cool app called Notational Velocity: billions of invisible, little, keyworded notes.


I actually donā€™t have any PGP keys (that I have saved anywhere or from a program in which youā€™d share your public key to chat/message each other), although I probably should use some clients besides Signal for end-to-end encryption. Unless you meant something else entirely.

That looks pretty cool. Itā€™s kind of like having a search engine for oneā€™s mind.

Pretty sure that Yatharth meant ā€œPreferred Gender Pronounsā€ :wink:

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Ah, ok, then I identify as an Omniscient Space Waffle (I have no idea if thatā€™s a word in UrbanDictionary, I just made that up).

I used to use Notational Velocity back when I still own a Mac. It was pretty good for storing random short notes.

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I have been working on adapting the bullet journal format to (first workflowy and now) Dynalist. The bullet journal idea is pretty unstructured and I found it far more useful for logging my life as well as tracking projects than anything else I tried. The key to adapting it for online and Dynalist is to do dates in reverse - like a LIFO stack. That way you can just start and push older dates down. Bullet journals have a concept of collections and those are straightforward since they are just lists.

Here is the structure of the journal part of my main dynalist

Future list
Daily Activities


I use priorities as a header per day because I subscribe to the 1-3-5 task list concept and thatā€™s where those go. Currently tasks is just a freeform dump of upcoming tasks that get sorted into the priorities for a day the night before. I may drop it though since it should come out of other more long term task lists really. The log is a report of the day just added at the end of the day and reflections/gratitude is just a practice I am trying to do. THe point is you can have any set of standard subheads under a day you want and just drop them into the new day you add every evening at the top.

Future list is menat to be priority dates more than a month out.

The month heading has the following under it

1 S: workout tth write spanish
2 M: workout tth write spanish
3 T: workout tth write spanish
4 W: workout tth write spanish
5 Th: workout tth write spanish
6 F: workout tth write spanish
7 S: workout tth write spanish **J bridal shower, gallery 3PM 1890 Banyan **
8 S: workout tth write spanish J Marin gathering,


this requires some explanation - - I am not using the built in dates because I havenā€™t really figured out how to incorporate them yet. I put the first thing in each day a set of standard things - these are habit chains that I am trying to track. In dynalist the ** makes items bold. So I include the items as the first thing in every day and ** to bold them IF I did that item that day. Then I can glance at the month and get a visual vertically of if I am forming habit chains. Then the specific reminders for a day go after that in bold so they stand out.

I actually put my WHOLE dynalist in one document as follows




Temp Notes

and then dig down as needed. Reference includes templates for the habits and dates and a symbol library and some other stuff. Archive is where anything goes that is old enough to not be needed for the future. Projects are my lists and collections (buried in there are about 40,000 words of notes for example)

This is still a work in progress and I will come back with a better explanation once it is settled

note that in this forum some of the markdown has come through and some has not so my apolgies for odd formatting


Thatā€™s interesting, I havenā€™t seen this use case before!

Yeah, some formatting has gone crazy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks. The idea came to me when I was thinking about the process and entering new information. You want to have the current stuff at the top where you can see it and act on it easily. Once I have everything sorted Iā€™ll make a template that other people can copy.

My only concern is about performance as the document gets large but having seen some of the insanely large examples I am less worried now.

You could always move the previous year stuff to an archived document, I guess.

A document can hold us to 10,000 items with no problem. Recently some users have also written to us about their huge document being faster, so donā€™t worry :slight_smile:

I use Dynalist to keep a list of all my routines and chores around the house. I also use Dynalist as an outliner for writing school papers. I also use Dynalist to keep track of my daily schedule, and the color coded feature makes it really nice to distinguish between different items, like the times when I am in class vs. or when I am studying or appointments, etc. I can easily see the gaps in my schedule when I can put in more time for getting things done or if I need to take a break. Dynalist is a great tool, and I love using it.


Thatā€™s great to hear, Cynthia.

For journaling, I am using a premade TextExpander snippet so I only have to type two entries in a document to get started.

First I type jh@ (journal header) which creates 'My journal for Saturday Feb, 18 2017 ā€“ 18:23 PM"
Next I type jb@ (journal body) which creates the following template:

Today is Saturday, February 2017

The four criteria that you will use to decide what to do are (in order of precedence):
1. Context (what can I do where I am?)
2. Time (when do I have to do something else?)
3. Energy (how wasted/fresh am I?)
4. Priority (what has the highest payoff for me if I do it?)

Whatā€™s On My Mind?

History: What Happened Today?




Spiritual Insight:

I only fill in what I feel like entering so itā€™s a low energy task that can help me track the things I really care about.


I like it, very automated!

You could also have a template list and just Ctrl+Drag it to make copies. Just an idea.


Iā€™ve been using Evernote since when it was still an endless ā€œrollā€ of paper:

For those with Evernote now it may come as a surprise that this free program did OCR locally, no web required, had permanent note links (not the GUID-based ones from nowadays which break when you export & import an ENEX file), had links to categories/tags, and auto-filtering, if you wanted it, to automatically assign categories/tags to notes. 10+ year later the new owners still havenā€™t been able to get feature parity with the program they bought and then replacedā€¦

The CTRL ALT N shortcut on Windows to make a quick new note has been my main way of journaling all those years. Lots of little notes ā€œdoing thisā€, ā€œX goes to Yā€, ā€œX back from Yā€, ā€œZ calledā€ etc.

Iā€™ve tried to leave Evernote a couple of times but have so much diary/journal-like notes in there, so much personal stuff, that there is no ROI in moving elsewhere with that.

Soā€¦ No journaling in Dynalist :smiley:

But apart from that? Everything. If it isnā€™t a journal-like update, it goes into Dynalist.

  • short term task list
  • projects list
  • brain dump
  • notepad/scratchpad

  • composing texts, from articles to letters ā†’ because outlining is the best way to write, and the ability to drag stuff around is powerful
  • bible study notes
  • checklists ā†’ winter/spring cleaning, packing lists, travel to doā€™s etc
  • information ā†’ clothes sizes for ppl I shop for, alt numpad codes, tax info, etc
  • how-to ā†’ if I look it up, I add it here. How to change the note indicator icon in Bonsai? How to fix the totally blank login screen for Google Photos Backup? How to do INSTRING in Excel?
  • research ā†’ going to buy XYZ but which? Whatā€™s the legal status on ABC?
  • recipes ā†’ I clip recipes to Evernote. Much faster. Anything I tried and like gets the tag ā€œmenuā€. Every now and then I run a saved search ā€œnotebook:recipe -tag:menuā€ to find stuff I havenā€™t tried yet. When a recipe is a success I bullet list it in Dynalist. Much cleaner, much easier, and I get to edit the recipe right away. Some recipes seem to be composed to either complicate things (ā€œstir the dry elements in 1 cup, stir the wet elements in another, add them together in a 3rd cupā€ ā€¦uhā€¦no) or to sabotage you ("ā€¦then add the wet ingredients. ā€¦ Before adding the wet ingredients, cool the recipe forā€¦" oops, too late)
  • wishlists ā†’ I know Evernote is great for this too but a simple overview, a bullet list, of things someone has said they like over timeā€¦much more powerful

  • work queue
  • client information ā†’ who are they, what is their contact info, what did we do when, etc
  • people info ā†’ who is who? Whatā€™s their extension?
  • work wiki ā†’ if I have to figure out how to do it and itā€™s not about general software or how to debug a toaster oven, it most likely ends up here.
  • bookmarks/software ā†’ I come across a lot of solutions for problems I might have one day. I like to take note of them :slight_smile:

This will come soon! Weā€™re probably going to call it ā€œcapturingā€ rather than ā€œjournalingā€, but itā€™s the same thing :slight_smile:

And Iā€™m in awe of the Evernote screenshot right now. Didnā€™t know it used to look like this!


Ahh yes the old Evernote 2 which is now replaced ā€œsortaā€ by CintaNotes. Good times.

Anyways I currently have a bookmark dump so I second that.

Working on chapters for my book.

Have a Self-Critique Journal which includes Delayed Projects, Set Aside Projects, Overlapping Projects and Personal Thoughts. (I use the document names to set the main item.)

Example: Delayed (insert name of book)

Separating some of my bookmark dumps into:

Core Software lists
Old Storage Lists

Have a Concepts Simplified list that used to be in my Wunderlist in case that service shuts down listing my personal philosophy in life as well as the things Iā€™ve come across in self-help books.


Very interesting @ruud. A big limitation with Evernote for me is its messy HTML. The web clipped creates a double-lined note and thereā€™s no way to make it single-lined (this has been a complaint on Evernote forum for years - if only they were as responsive as Dynalist).

You can have indented bullets, but thereā€™s no way to move the bullets around easily. This cancels Evernote out as an outliner. Its main virtue is the capacity to dump notes which can be searched.

The plain text format of Dynalist and Workflowy is a great virtue.

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I have always had a gripe about the lack of an easy way to work with templates in WorkFlowy.
In DL, at least there is a Ctrl-Drag.
But I hope you are considering more than that - at least a normal copy-paste, in addition to ā€œmove itemā€?

With the Ctrl-Drag option I believe it is not possible to copy to another document? Mostly one would have templates separate from the work documents.
Even if they were in the same document, it would easily be in the ā€œopposite endā€ of the document, thus a very long ā€œdragā€.

Copy-paste would at least make it practical.

(An additional, more advanced feature would be to be able to drag an entire document (from the list on the left) into a position in the current document. This way, one could have a folder just for snippets like this.

Absolute top of the line would of course be if there was a right-click option ā€œpaste from templateā€ and one would then get the list of snippets from such a designated template folder.

But just copy-paste would at least make it ā€œrealisticā€ to work with.


Iā€™m going to be a bad moderator and provide typical advice, assuming Iā€™ve understood what youā€™ve looking for:

If you want to copy paste things easily, collapse the list highlight the whole thing until the entire physical line (which may spans beyond the length of the text), then copy it and paste it (via keyboard shortcuts).

To make sure youā€™ve highlighted the enter thing, press Shift+Down.

Now, if youā€™re asking for some sort of repository that you can access via right-click (or something else), then I apologize for misunderstanding.