Word count

Hi there, any news?

Iā€™m using Dynalist to write a phd thesis. Itā€™s useful for isolating specific sections. Iā€™m currently copying/pasting sections into another program to get the word count. The problem is that notes also get pasted, which, for me, arenā€™t part of the main text and must be removed one by one to get a word count. It would be great if this feature was built in.

Maybe an optional bit in a status bar that shows the word count for the current ā€˜listā€™ being shown (with an option to ignore notes)

@Juan_Noriega @Jamie_Sandhu: thanks for the patience guys.

Thereā€™s no concrete dates for this yet, but weā€™re closer to it on the roadmap than ever before I think. Thanks for being patient!


This is very good news. I also use Dynalist for academic writing, word count feature would mean a huge improvement for me.

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Any updates, really need it everyday to count the word:joy:


Yes, this would be useful.


A really robust word count feature would be really useful. Iā€™d like it to be granular ā€” show me how many words in my current item, how many words in current+children, etc.



Just seen the new word count option in Settings. Very nicely implemented ā€” thank you, Dynalist!

Just one request ā€” could we get a word count for currently selected items?



Cool! Just noticed it as well. Youā€™re right it counts per document atm. Per selected or per ā€œzoomed in treeā€ would be nice as well.
Dropbox backup support and search&replace seems to be new as well :smiley:

Nice idea ā€“ and that part would be hidden if nothing is selected.

Weā€™re already thinking of counting words under the current zoomed in item already. Would that solve the same use case that youā€™re requesting?

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Partially, I suppose, but personally I donā€™t tend to zoom-in to documents very often. I have long documents with lots of nested items but I usually stay at the highest level of zoom. It would be nice to select one or more items, along with their children, and be able to see how many words there are.


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I would use it for a word count in a note that I have zoomed into. The number of the words in the document as a whole is not relevant to me.

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Weā€™re already thinking of counting words under the current zoomed in item already. Would that solve the same use case that youā€™re requesting?

I love this idea, any idea when this will be implemented by @Erica ?

In the next release!

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Hell yeah!

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The word count is great!
Will a character count be implemented as well? Often documents have character limits (including spaces) and this feature would be extremely useful.

The trello is the best word counter. I have been using this for counting the words in my articles, and it is very fast and accurate. I appreciate it. Thanks for sharing.

I need a simple word counter that just works

I often use a word counter when I work with text, so itā€™s always useful to have a convenient word counting service nearby. I have been using the service https://word-counter.app/ for several months now. It is important for me that it is convenient to work in it and it does not consume a lot of system resources. So far, this is the best option for me.

DynaList has one. Is it not working for you?