Want some Advice on Organizing Projects in Dynalist

Hello @Liamani
I have collected a couple links to some items that may be of interest. Mind you, there are many excellent and detailed discussions on the forum here related to your inquiry.

Tag structure for Dynalist (GTD , Zettelkasten and SecondBrain ) - :rainbow:Share & Showcase - Dynalist Forum

Sharing an Item Within a Document, Not Entire Document - :star2:Features - Dynalist Forum

Sharing an Item Within a Document, Not Entire Document - :star2:Features - Dynalist Forum

Some of my own posts in some of these threads are admittedly a bit tedious, but may be worth walking through(?) considering they speak directly to your inquiry.

A note on collaboration I would point out… Dynalist sharing is a bit limited. Depending on what I am trying to accomplish

  • sometimes I employ another outliner, like workflowy, for copying over explicit materials from Dynalist for sharing something out to other/s
  • sometimes I create a standalone Dynalist document, somewhat of an extract from one or more others, for sharing out from Dynalist directly
  • sometimes I share from one of my prime Dynalist documents until, at a certain time where I want to stop sharing it, then I create a new (unshared) document to copy all of the contents of the old one into so I can delete the old share (shared doc) …to get rid of (destroy) its link.

A note on managing workflows I would point out… pay close attention to what some of “the masters” here (not me!) discuss on customizing tags. Leveraging the power for “tracking” is all about how you create/sculpt “filtering” with your tags and saved searches. Expect it to morph over time as your use of Dynalist grows deeper.

I hope anything here may be helpful.
Good luck!

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