URL integration into Desktop App

One thing preventing me from using the desktop app is that saving URLs and navigating by them is important for me. Also it would be great if items in the desktop app could also output local URLs instead of the regular web URLs.

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Each item has a ā€œGet linkā€ option, and thereā€™s internal link for inserting links. Clicking on an internal link will open it locally without opening a web browser.

Is there any problem with that?

Not exactly sure what you mean by this.

Everything works fine inside of the Dynalist app, and URLs are opened inside of the app and not a web browser.

What Iā€™m looking for is a way to be able to control the Dynalist appā€™s location externally.

This applescript opens the item in a web browser.

tell application "System Events"
	open location "https://dynalist.io/d/..."
end tell

As does this:

tell application "Google Chrome"
	open location "https://dynalist.io/d/..."
end tell

But this does nothing:

tell application "Dynalist"
	open location "https://dynalist.io/d/..."
end tell

I am not sure if you use a mac. In case you donā€™t, I think this could also be achieved with local URLs like ā€œdynalist://dynalist.io/d/ā€¦ā€

Any update about this feature?