Unable to use LaTex code correctly in Dynalist

In normal case, Latex use $ā€¦$ to highlight the formula in the text.
For example
it is shown that $x^2$ is right.
But, in Dynalist, such sentence could not show the formula correctly.
The formula could not show unless I change the sentence like this-
it is shown that $$x^2$$ is right.
Could the developer do something for this bug?
I wish your change as soon as possible.

This looks to be by design, not a bug: Make LaTeX "display" style default

Thank you for your reply.

In fact, the design you mentioned would not interrupt anyone who only take $ for dollars.
The reason is that only the $ which follows another $ in the same sentence could make the code shown as formula. That means only one $ would not interrupt anyone.

Therefore, I hope the developer take my advice into account.

I want to keep double $$.

Which would you rather see as the default:

Consider that most people donā€™t use latex. (I even managed to write all my math papers and physics thesis without touching latex. Thank you mathematica.)

Does your favorite LaTeX editor use single $ math delimiters? Does double work too? Perhaps change that in settings, or switch to an editor that defaults to double $$ delimiters.For example https://upmath.me/

Generally double $$ is the default for LaTeX rendering on the web, see the mathjax and katex libraries for example


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