“Screenshots speak louder than text”
Right click on any document and open in half right side of the main document.
Both the documents are visible at same time. You may edit both the docs at the same time and Dynalist will save them.
It’s a light-weight chrome extension which runs only on https://dynalist.io/. So CPU friendly.
You can also temporarily disable the feature by going to the settings menu.
It’s just a kickstart. I’ll be adding more features to it. If you got any cool feature, do share.
Enough with the show-off… here’s the link to chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dynalist-allstar
(Reload once your Dynalist tab after installing chrome extension)
Changelog (v0.2.0):
- you can adjust width of both docs.
- Remembers to re-open side doc after page reload if previously opened.
P.S: I have tested from my side but If you find any bug let me know I’ll fix.
P.P.S: Finally, I have given considerable amount of time into this so please rate/review the extension.