Tag Pane Features

  1. Just to show Tags of this document, not all tags

all-tags option is good but the least useful and slows down the website a lot.

2.Just to show Tags of this Zooming.

this would be the most useful configuration as we could filter quickly

for example, a list with 500+ items each one tagged with 2 or more tags
if we opened tag pane, the 50 relevant tags for this moment would appear.
(not the 4000 others that in this moment arent needed)

also…why does tagpane distinguishes between for example #Tag and #tag ? :frowning:
maybe this brings more errors than accuracy


what do you think, @erica ?

Makes sense, we’ll fix this!

In the announcement post, making “All tags” collapsible is on our todo list.

Just added this too. See Tag pane (Pro feature)


Hi @Erica, is there any update on including a list of the tags at the current zoom level in the tag pane? This would be an indispensable feature for all of us that only use one document and want to see the particular tags we are working with at any given zoom level.

I also think this zoom-level part of the tag pane should work for search results, so that when you conduct a search, the zoom-level list of tags in the pane is narrowed down to just the tags that are part of the search results.

Another question is whether to include tags that are at the current zoom level but aren’t visible because they are in collapsed items. There are pros and cons to both sides, so maybe we could give the user the option. If not, then I think I favor including the tags in the tag pane even if they are collapsed.

I think this thread is poorly titled for what it is really asking for, so I’d be happy to start a new topic if you would like. I would love for it to get enough votes that it can be moved to Trello and move up on the priority list.

It would be exactly like Evernote’s Tag Picker, which allows you to click on a button and get a list of all the tags present in the current view. Even for people who use multiple documents, a single document can often have dozens of tags, so it can be difficult to know what a given zoom level contains without reading everything in it, which is impractical. A tag filter like this is such a great feature to add to Dynalist.

Thank you for such a great program!

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Thanks for the detailed reply, @villette!

I agree that the current feature request title is not as descriptive as it could be. It would be nice if you can start a new thread and describe it properly. That way other users who are interested in exactly that can find it to vote for/echo it.


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