Spell checker can't be disabled in Search and "Capture to inbox" entry windows

Steps to reproduce

  1. In Settingsā€“>Preferences, un-check ā€œEnable spell checkerā€, so that that spell checking is disabled.
  2. Use the shortcut to bring up the ā€œCapture to inboxā€ pop-up entry window.
  3. Write something that would be caught by a spell checker, such as, ā€œspel testā€.

(The same behavior occurs in the search box.)

Expected result

None of the entered words should be underlined in red, because spell checking has been disabled. I do not want spell checking and find it distracting.

Actual result

The misspelled word (ā€œspelā€ in this example) is underlined in red, even though spell checking has been disabled.


I have reproduced this on the desktop apps for Mac and Windows (Dynalist version 1.20) as well as on Chrome and Firefox.

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