Sort Date has reverse ordering

Maybe I am missing something and this is a very dumb report.
My instinct is that with Sort Date (New to Old), the list should be sorted with the elements with closer deadline first and farther deadline last.

The list

* b !(2020-05-28)
* a !(2020-05-27)
* c !(2020-05-29)

after sort date (new to old), becomes:

c !(2020-05-29)
b !(2020-05-28)  
a !(2020-05-27)

expected results

* a !(2020-05-27)
* b !(2020-05-28)
* c !(2020-05-29)

Wouldn’t “new” mean “latest”, which would be 05-29, and “old” mean 05-27, in which case “New to Old” would be 29, 28, 27?

I think I interpret new as earliest and old as latest.
But it’s ok, it’s probably because I am non native English speaker.

I see. I hope that explanation helps!