Send email to add items to Dynalist

Awesome! Canā€™t wait!

This is a feature I am also waiting for a long time! And I hope it will not be limited only to sending to the inbox, but that with some ā€œsmartā€ formatting of the (for instance) subject line we can say where it is going to be sent and add tags and dates automatically. Workflows is what is really missing for me in Dynalist.


Hi there. I believe this feature is live as I found an email address in settings that I can email content to and have it show up in my document. I tried using this with Rocketbook, and while it will grab the contents of the OCR page through the email body, I donā€™t see the attached PDF anywhere. Is there an option to also include emailed attachments as files you can look at in the document when using this feature?


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This is no current plan for this, but I think it makes a lot of sense and you should go ahead and post a feature request for it.

My biggest worry is that we all know some emails contain a bunch of signature image attachments, but I guess itā€™s part of the userā€™s responsibility to not forward those things into Dynalist.

Iā€™m sorry, where should feature requests be posted? Thank you.

You can post new threads under this category:




Thank you!

YEEESSS! Finally email to inbox is here. Now Dynalist is better than anything else by a wide margin. I simply love this.

You can do quite a lot of magic with This is from my Zap where I forward any email that is starred to Dynalist.

This is definitely a step in the right direction ! Many thanks, indeed now with Zapier or other automation tools it will be possible to improve my workflow

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This new feature is most welcome, but I still revert to the ā€œClip To Dynalist Noteā€ extension on Chrome which helps me easily link to a gmail message, so I can reply or follow up later.

Yep, definitely do that if you want to follow up later.

If the email is purely informational, or the email is an automated email being part of an automated workflow, emailing to Dynalist would make more sense.

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What about the attachments??? I would love to have the attachments of the email as attachments (child nodes maybe) in the new inbox item created. Like in Trelloā€¦

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How can I email YOU??? Impossible to email danyalist??? I want to sing up for your Pro Danylist. How can I do that???
Carl Walter -

Within the dynalist app. On desktop, you can go to settings menu and should see an option to sign up for pro.