Powerpack 3

Thank you! Weā€™ll see if thereā€™s anything we can do so people using Powerpack can get a version that works with the latest version of Dynalist.


So Piotr, I remember now that it was from a PowerPack tweak that I first heard the term ā€œspaced repetitionā€ a good while back and from that, Zettlekasten, and from there to other things which I have since exploredā€“mostly for my kids and grandkids who are still students, but for myself also as a life-long learner. ROAM is the latest focus of interest. And RemNote. And Polar Desktop

Given the benefit Iā€™ve gotten over the past two years from PP on Dynalist, Iā€™d love to know when-if you make your One Interconnected Place open to users. Iā€™ll be looking via Slack and here. Thanks for what you are contributing.


Thank you very much for your kind words, Iā€™m glad it helped you that much :slight_smile:

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Dates in Agenda no longer work. :cry:


Same problem here @Timur_Raptayev :confused:

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Yes, this does prompt the call for a dashboard for Dynalist with due items. Iā€™ve had to use a search bookmark, which is way more cumbersome than PowerPack, and so have stopped using dates in Dynalist. I use TickTick instead to show whatā€™s due today.

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Iā€™m trying to set up Powerpack 3 on my Dynalist Desktop application, but Iā€™m getting an error message. - Or actually, Iā€™m getting 2, depending on how I paste the code in the console:

One reads ā€œUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ā€˜offā€™ of undefinedā€.
The other one: ā€œUncaught Error: only one instance of babel-polyfill is allowedā€.

Iā€™m probably doing something wrong in a very newbee and stupid way, but hey!
I AM a newbee. :d
I am a writer, not a programmer/techie/geek/ā€¦!

Thanks in advance for your help.
The Powerpack looks really great, so Iā€™d like to use it! :slight_smile:




Okay, never mind.
Scrolling through this IMMENSELY long thread, I found someone with the same problem who pointed out that you have to press the menu in the top right corner to open up the ā€œOpen Powerpack Settingsā€ option.

Maybe this should be added to the manual. :d

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@Kenneth_Aar ā€“ just to confirm, still no way to drag ā€˜line-itemsā€™ and ā€˜nested listsā€™ across panes, even using other browsers, right?

Sadly; no.

Same here. Really a pity given how powerful the agenda function is.

Powerpack 3 has been deleted off of Greasyfork and is effectively unsupported. See thread here: PowerPack 3 Deleted from Repo?!

Shame, since it added many must-have features to dynalist.

I really like to use Pwerpack 3 but I dont know how to use :disappointed_relieved:

how to activate powerpack3.js file to apply to dynalist??

Also, this link ā€œhttps://greasyfork.org/scripts/369661-dynalist-powerpack-3ā€ dosenā€™t work.

can anybody help me out?

Powerpack is javascript, so you can use Tampermonkey to apply javascript to any website, such as dynalist.

Here is the last version of Powerpack https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PiotrSss/DynalistPowerpack@master/powerpack3.user.js

Be warned, it was last updated 4 years ago. If something is broken, there might not be anyone left here who still uses it to help you. I believe the author quit dynalist and switched to Logseq.

Hello, I am very interested in this work, but I am a little confused. Ah, is it possible to support time statistics? For example, I might use some time tags like #5m #1h @1d. If this can achieve time statistics, let the total time of children node display on the parent node, it would be very convenient.