PowerPack 3 Deleted from Repo?!

I’ve noticed my PowerPack stopped working, and it looks like this is caused by the script disappearing from Greasyfork. That script link now says:

The script you requested has been deleted, but here are some related scripts.

In my local version of the script, everything is commented out and it states

@description This script was deleted from Greasy Fork, and due to its negative effects, it has been automatically removed from your browser.

What negative effects?! Argh. Does anyone know of a workaround, or how to go back to an earlier version of the script?

@Piotr, do you have any suggestions?!



Make a new script, copy and paste.

Piotr hasn’t commented here in over a year. I’m a bit surprised Powerpack still functions.


Brilliant, thank you. That totally worked. It did not occur to me somehow that Web Archive would have a cached version of the script, and I didn’t know where else to get a copy.

@Piotr, if you do come back and are reading this, Greasy Fork is happy to allow the script back onto the platform, they just request it be non-minified. This will be then be in accordance with their script rules, per site admin.

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Hi Alex, I got the mail from them too. Unfortunately it needs to be minified, because otherwise it’s too big, they have some limit there.
Here is more reliable backup link https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PiotrSss/DynalistPowerpack@master/powerpack3.user.js


Is that addon still works? 🫤