Powerpack 3

Okay, cool. That first edition is much more accessible.

Thanks @Piotr for mentioning the Zettelkasten note taking - looks really interesting :slight_smile:
I was really excited about discovering Dynalist a few weeks ago so I probably shouldn’t get distracted by the "next shiny thing’ though…

I just starting reading the book suggestion and also found this interesting blog.

However, in my excitement about ZK I feel torn about whether to invest in writing notes in Dynalist, or to try and use something like sublimeless _zk (in Windows). I’m thinking about trying to use ZK for ‘academic’ stuff that I am learning and then use Dynalist for everything else. I would be interested to know more about your experiences about the annoyingness/slowness of Dynalist for the ZK method of note taking. Do you use Dynalist for other stuff still ?

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Dynalist is just not designed for ZK use cases. It doesn’t mean you can’t do it there, but it’s just worse experience than using (good) application designed to work with individual notes. I already mentioned problems with future compatibility. Because of how ZK repository is structured (one concept/idea/thought = one note) you will often need to work with multiple notes at once. How you can do it in Dynalist? You have browser tabs (or new browser windows), but each tab needs new instance of Dynalist app - it’s slow and require more resources (of your machine). You can also use Powerpack’s popups or panels, but it’s the same problem - it loads entire application. Bear can open multiple notes in different windows, I can then move them to other desks and work with it fast like crazy with keyboard shortcuts. Sublimeless_zk has tabs, which is not that good as Bear feature, but still faster than doing this in Dynalist browser tabs. With Bear (and Keyboard Maestro) I also have global shortcuts to create new notes and add things to specific notes (inbox), etc, I don’t know if that’s possible with sublimeless, probably not. Maybe Evernote can be more automated (but probably don’t have option to open more than one note at a time).
Another alternative is http://elephant.mine.nu/ it also stores notes in plain files (but I didn’t try that one).
And http://zettelkasten.danielluedecke.de/en/ , here’s review https://zettelkasten.de/posts/luedeckes-zettelkasten-erik-pfeiffer/

I’m using Dynalist to manage some list.

Thanks @Piotr. Elephant looks good, but I have a Chromebook so I am keen on apps that have a web portal. Evernote desktop can have many windows, but I’m not sure about automation.

I think the Clone feature will go a long way to making ZK style thinking work. Might not be precisely ZK, but imagine pooling a collection of notes by simply making a parent node and inserting clones of all your referenced notes.

Also, I think I like the styling of Sublime_ZK, would like to put that into Dynalist CSS.

You can try this today, it will be https://www.thebrain.com/ implemented as an outliner. I liked this idea of multiple parents so much that I created prototype of this. It’s fun to imagine how this could work, but when you’re actually working with this it’s way too constrained (because of how limited computer UIs are) to be fun. And 1) this has nothing to do with ZK, and you will soon forget about ZK when working in such software, 2) if you care about future compatibility it will only make things harder, 3) IMO there will be no Clone feature in Dynalist (too confusing for average user, too time consuming to implement properly into current feature set, too resource intensive for big documents to work without lagging when implemented in JS [remember that it must also works on mobile, where even basic Dynalist is slow]), or it will be far simpler than you would like it to see (look how basic Sort feature is, you can’t even sort by color).

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@Piotr: have you tried Notational Velocity for your ZK method?

Yes, I tried everything for Mac, I think. NV is similar, but has less useful features when compared to Bear, and it’s also Mac only, so there is no reason to use it as both apps are free. But it will be fine if something bad happens to Bear app. For now it looks like Bear devs like the idea of ZK, someone else mentioned it on their forum, they will develop the app further in good direction https://www.reddit.com/r/bearapp/comments/9sbx6h/feature_request_reverse_links_a_note_shows_all/

Hi @Piotr
Does Powerpack3 require a Dynalist PRO account to function?
I installed it for Tampermonkey, but no feature seem to appear in chrome even after restarting.
I have also tried to use it via the desktop app, but “Ctrl + Shift + i” also doesn’t seem to have any effect.
Any ideas?

click on hamburger icon in top right corner, click on “Open powerpack settings” - enable what you want

I was looking for that already yesterday, but the thing is that nothing from DPP3 injects for some reason. (also tried the “click this link” method )
I’ll show what I see top right, and Tmonkey settings.:

Oh getting closer…
Wtih the manual injection i did manage to get to “PowerPack settings” ! yeey.
The only clue left is regarding why Tampermonkey fails to do the same, but I will figure that out sooner or later, I can live with this already.
Thanks for the suggestion!

there is also https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/violentmonkey/jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag theoretically it should work too

Hey, I get the following error when I use the agenda:


Can somebody help?

I had those all the time, nothing to worry about. If something is not working there will be different cause.

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Alright. Thank you! I fixed it by copying the PP3 documents again.

Another quick question:

Why are items not sorted by date?

If you want them sorted by date, you can’t have them grouped by date

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I think they are not sorted by date. But maybe I am getting something wrong.

If you want them sorted by date, you need to uncheck “group items by date”. Grouping is useful only when you have some other way to indicate that item is under some date, you can then filter items by pattern of the date. I’m not using this anymore, maybe someone else will be able to show an example of this.

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