Page breaks / page layouts for export

This sounds like a much more complicated solution just to accomplish what you mentioned in the title of the post, because it involves dealing with Google’s API. Sorry but I don’t think we could do that.

Could you tell me a bit more about your use case? I understand you want to add page margins for aesthetic reasons, and I think that could be achieved with some PDF editors. What about page breaks? How are you using them? Do you want to print onto paper or just into PDF?

When I have quite long documents with lots notes under various topics (eg. study prep), it’s quite hard to print it in the layout that I want because some sections get separated when I export to pdf. Having page breaks would help so I can make sure that all the info I need for one topic, prints on one page.
When Dynalist exports to pdf, the page margins are also very wide which ends up wasting a lot of space. So being able to amend the margins will help fit more content on the pages. Changing margins in a pdf editor can be a bit frustrating as all your content is still separated into different pages.
I’ve tried exporting to html and importing to google docs to change margins/page breaks, but all my formatting gets lost (bullet points, bold, color coding etc).

Which environment are you printing them in? You should be able to customize the page margin in the print dialog. For example, Chrome provides options like “default”, “none”, “minimum”, and “custom”, and “none”/“minimum” did save a lot of space during my testing.

Regarding the page break issue, not sure if there’s anything we can do. A workaround might be to collapse unwanted section and print multiple times to manually create “page breaks”.

Hi Erica,
I am using Chrome, which does have the default/none/minimum margin settings that you mentioned. But unfortunately this only amends the top & bottom margins not left/right, and still leaves a lot of space under-utilised.

The “custom” setting works for left/right, and this setting is saved when you exit print. Did I miss something?

I am looking for this too. For normal html pages you can add CSS like this

@media print {
  h1 {page-break-before: always;}

I was hoping there would be a way to replace h1 with the div or span class for header1, and probably there is a way, but after inspecting elements and experimenting with inserting different classes into my Pro CSS window, nothing worked that I tried. The classes in Dynalist have so many parts to them I am not sure what to paste into my CSS. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Something like [your selector here] might work.

Example: > .Node-contentContainer { font-size: 30px; }

Give that a try and let me know?

Ok thanks I will try that when I get time (am at a retreat)

I figured the best time was now…this did not work:

@media print { > .Node-contentContainer {page-break-before: always;}

I as well would be highly interested to having an option to somehow adding a page break into my Dynalist outlines. It would be so much better for printing to having page breaks at appropriate positions to having logic groups together on one page. If anyone would have a solution or hint on that, I’d be more than thankful.

Sorry for the super late reply, but your solution did work when I tried it.

@Eberhard: could you try using Dave’s solution and use heading 1’s to start new pages?

Hi Erica

I tried this again but it does not work. I have various items formatted as header 1 on a page, but when I preview print in Firefox and in Chrome, it wants to print the whole thing on page rather than put a break before each header 1 item.

I tested on latest Firefox (70.0.1) and it seems to work.

Maybe there is a miscommunication somewhere. The image you showed says the document title is “Matter and energy”. And Matter and Energy are at the top. I don’t think anyone needs page breaks at the TOP of a document. Printing will start there anyway. I was requesting a page break before each SUBpoint that is formatted header 1.

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I bit out of topic but I discovered the pdf export today. I use Dynalist for more than two years now and never noticed that with alt->file->Print to PDF the current screent gets exported as a pdf file.

Maybe this functionly should be implemented in the normal expor menu @Erica :slight_smile:

I think the misunderstanding is that you didn’t click on my images to see the entire image. “Matter and energy” is the document title, but I used your CSS to make “Chemical elements: Periodic Variation in Their Properties” show up in the second page.

Edit: Here’s a screenshot of the document for reference:

That’s a browser feature that we can’t “shortcut” to, unfortunately. We can only trigger the “Print” menu and the rest of it is left to the browser. Saving as PDF is provided by most browsers for convenience, but we don’t have access to it.

The websites who have the functionality normally generate the PDFs on the server side and send them directly to you. Not something we can easily do, unfortunately. You can start a feature request and see how many would find this built-in functionality useful though.

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aaaah I had no idea that the image had a second page viewable on clicking. Hmmm, I wonder if there is something in my CSS that is impeding that. I will dig through my CSS. Nice that it works for someone, though! :grinning:

I can attest it doesn’t work on Chrome though, so I think Chrome is not correctly understanding that line of CSS. Bad news if your default browser isn’t Firefox though :frowning:

Actually the browser I use is Firefox, and I have the same version you do. I dug through my custom CSS and don’t see the culprit. But then I am no pro at spotting CSS issues in a half inch window.

Anyhow, this is an old issue for me. I am using a combination of TiddlyWiki and Adobe Acrobat pro to produce the materials I wanted to produce via page breaks in Dynalist. So don’t worry about it. Thank you for all you do, Erica. Dynalist keeps getting better and better. The new link paste is a nice feature, and I am eager to see how that upcoming wysiwig interface works.

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