On refresh the app flashes white for a second despite using darkmode

Steps to reproduce

Android app.
Darkmode template.
On refresh the app flashes white for a second. Very annoying if you try to capture a note at night.

Expected result

I expect the darkmode to not flash white on app startup or refresh

Actual result

A white page is shown for a few seconds while the app loads of refreshes


Android app. But also happens in browser on mobile. On desktop it does not happen.
No scripts loaded. I have custom CSS but it also happens if I reduce all custom CSS

Hmm I think this is due to the preference not being loaded immediately (thereā€™s a small delay). I think if you set your OS to light/dark mode auto (is this doable on android?) then we might be able to apply the autodetected mode on load so it doesnā€™t flash. Let me know if this works.

Hm. I only have something called nightmode. Which is always turned on. (Samsung Galaxy Note 8)