My latest GTD setup in dynalist

Thanks for this detailed explanation. A key for me has been the capacity to set up an order of tasks during the day, an agenda. I often use shortcuts for that as well as a cluster of routine tasks that I duplicate every day - still waiting for repeating tasks in Dynalist. But tell me, what do you use to make the icons on your phone and chrome?

Hi Kevin,

Yes I sometimes do this when I have a particularly structured day. If so I have an ‘hours of the day’ template which I drag under the day and move tasks on to it - I think I would prefer to make duplicates for this in case I don’t actually do them and they got lost.

On chrome I use text blaze which is fantastic, although it makes the change before you even add a space so you have to use shortcuts that will never appear as parts of other words e.g. wd. On mobile I have a blackberry phone and the keyboard has text substitution baked in - there are text expander apps on Android (loads of them), but last time I checked they didn’t work within dynalist - if I didn’t have this phone I would have made a request for that a long time ago.

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There is an inbuilt text expander in Google Keyboard. Just add the whatever in dictionary with its short-text.

Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice to see how different people are using the same thing differently. Gives one an insight.

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Here’s my latest dynalist.

I know it looks insane but I swear a ton of thought and theory goes into it. I have what I’d call a “highly rebellious brain” which does what it wants when it wants, and listens to no one, not even itself. So my system succumbed long ago.

Step 1 is I tell Google assistant (via speakers/smartwatch) “hey google add hash browns” and it appears at the top. When I’m at my computer (a couple time a day) I COMMAND-SHIFT-M each item to toss it in a bin deeper in the hierarchy.

At that point we only see what I’m doing right now.

But the melon goes deeper.

And that’s why I title the very top item :strawberry:⌘E, because that hotkey expands EVERYTHING. So every time I use dynalist I blow it up and scroll randomly thru the deep items and take care of them. There’s hundreds. Sometimes I can do a ton of them in one go. But the goal is always to eliminate everything in the document.

But it’s always by wandering and whim, doing things as the moods shift, not by any structure of discipline.

I have a second document called archive. That’s where I send info which isn’t a to-do, but that I might want to search for later. So my main doc purely exists to be fully deleted.

I do have a little bit of chronological structure in my purple calendar but keep it minimal, because I know I’d just ignore it if there was very much there.

Also any external tasks like gmails I use a Chrome button called Copy all URLs to move the chrome tab into an item in dynalist, then I archive the email, and deal with it later via the link in dynalist.


Do you mind expanding on this? Are you using dynalist’s API to send a note to the top, or just using it as a voice-to-keyboard?

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API. All of my google assistants (home,watch,phone) respond to “add x y z” by replying “added” and magically x y z is at the top of my dynalist, in less than a second. Use the Google Assistant and Webhooks channels of IFTTT.


That’s a screenshot using email Subject as the input from my other post. But in this case use the text ingredient from Google Assistant.

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It would be great to know how to do something like this through typing on a browser. The various clipping extensions for Dynalist all include the current website.

oh thats cool. I didnt know you can write your own webhooks / POST request in google assistant like that. I’ve played around with Dialogflow though

Hadn’t played with the API at all, but I tried it out for the first time

Doesn’t seem to work for anything other than numbers for me. I put down a few “hello worlds” and longer statements, didn;t register after many tries


but I could run anything I wanted to in postman though

Put quotation marks around TextField.

Like see this json example, numbers don’t have quotation marks so that’s why they’re getting thru


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works now for me thanks george.

This is what I prefer my recipe triggers as

I mostly just use “dynalist” + “whatever I want afterwards”.

Hi Stephen, I really like your setup. Would you mind sharing an example of the text replacement you have configured in Text Blaze, to replace a shorthand text with an icon? I’m having some trouble wrapping my head around that.
Your help is much appreciated and again, great setup (and post!)

Hi Jasper,

Yes, sure. Actually I’ve shifted over to ‘autohotkey’ because I’ve moved away from chrome (because someone on this forum pointed out the awesome new ‘side view’ feature in firefox where I now keep dynalist permanently (It’s wonderful!)). So here is my script from autohotkey (it’s super easy to set up - download autohotkey, make a plain old text document, paste the below in, change the extension to .ahk and then double click the document to ‘run’ it). Anyway even if you want to use textblaze you can get what you need from below - the left is the shortcut text, the right is what is produced - the colons are code for autohotkey only. I’ve added brackets after just to explain what each one is.

::wd:::pause_button:(Working day focus)
::ew:::atom_symbol: (Evening weekend focus)
::fs:::star: (General focus)
::prj:::file_folder: (Project)
::rf:::card_file_box: (Reference file)
::ddln:::pushpin: (Deadline)
::tm:::alarm_clock: (This is a new development from my above post - this means I’m waiting until a specific ‘time’ (essentially it’s ‘tickler’ indicator)
::dp::➥ (Also a new development - this indicates a task is dependent / waiting upon another task (I nest these tasks under the ones they’re dependent on - both this and the time one above also get green colour)
::wip:::arrow_forward:️ (‘Work in progress’ - I use this for temporary quick access to particular reference files)
::err:::footprints: (Task is an errand)
::hm:::house_with_garden: (Task can only be done at home)
::ofc:::factory: (Task can only be done at the office)
::spk:::speaking_head: (Task requires speaking to someone in person)
::mb:::iphone: (Task is particularly suitable to mobile (I check this on the train))
::cpl:::computer::large_blue_circle: (Task requires laptop - low energy required)
::cph:::computer::large_orange_diamond:(Task requires laptop - medium energy required)
::cpm:::computer::red_circle: (Task requires laptop - high energy required)

I use a similar system but my emoji for home is the crackhouse :derelict_house:


So much better!

I didn’t set up Google Assistant and IFFFT etc yet, but presumably if you do you can trigger it by typing in a chrome address bar? (Eg you can type “Remind me to water the plants tomorrow” in chrome to add a reminder)

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You are my hero!

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Hi George, thanks for this - seems to be working fine for me on the google assistant end, but nothing is coming through on the dynalist end - my inbox is set up correctly, chrome is signed into dynalist so I’m not sure what’s going on - is the correct url location to send to still the one you have? Here’s what I’ve got:


To bug test also just tried sending a fixed message “Hi there” in the body field, and still nothing coming through, so I think must be an issue on dynalist side. Any thoughts?

Hi George, nevermind, I’m a fool, I see what I need to do now from the API documentation, I’ll figure it out. Thanks!

Got it working now - awesomeness!

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I can’t get it to work for me unfortunately. Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong? IFTTT registers that the webhook runs but nothing shows up in dynalist.

I tried both v1 and v2 in the address but I don’t know if that has anything to do with it or not!

(if the image looks like a garbled mess to you then just click on it)