piotr I can’t find what the standards are for each programming language
What are they? Also, I noticed it needs to be all lowercase / case sensitive. E.G. “php” not “PHP” . I tried running the following languages
`c → not working
`c++ → not working
`c# → not working
`objective-c → not working
`html → use “xml” instead
`excel VBA → highlight.js has no support for this Excel formula syntax · Issue #1171 · highlightjs/highlight.js · GitHub
`autohotkey → highlight .js has no support for this either
`shell (git push commands, command line)
`diff (difference file checker results)
They all worked, however C, C++, objective-C and C# didn’t work for me.
Sample run data here: some of my notes were at bottom on accident
Also, I got excel VBA to sort of work, but its missing a lot of highlighting support for various words like DIM or SUB compared to github gists CSS support
If I rely on it a lot I might just fork and push support for excel VBA down the road maybe on their github pages
is there a way to get line numbers as a potential option here?
I find that I am constantly breaking down code and referencing it by line numbers on visualstudiocode, but I don’t have any line numbers to reference on dynalist
How i am using notes to break down code: (python generators was a really complicated topic for me,so I had to debug / take notes on a lot of step by step / identify patterns)
Also I thought of more things related to the sort function from powerpack here
I could also use this to count how many times a program execute something on a specific line, if I wrote all my line numbers consistently (Sort by NUMBER).
Then re-sort later by “created” date since there already organized from get-go
There’s probably something in visual studio code for outputting debugging log data into a .txt file which I could later process into python → import into dynalist OPML format
this would make breaking down software much easier imo using dynalist
You could import “step into” or just “step over” debug logs and consequently be able to take notes on it in dynalist