Make bullets and breadcrumbs middle clickable hyperlinks

WorkFlowy power user here, last time I checked I had 80k bullets.

Dynalist has a great featureset whilst WorkFlowy has stagnated, so am testing it out now to see how well it suits my workflow.

I always have multiple tabs open and I open them by middle clicking on the bullets and bullet slugs:

That doesn’t do anything on Dynalist. Without this functionality unfortunately Dynalist is a non-starter right now.

A smaller issue but still another usability problem for me is that the bullets can’t be right-clicked either - I regularly use ‘Copy Link Location’ with the browser context menu for quick pasting in messages.

Dynalist requires left-clicking the menu button, clicking Get Link then there’s a pop-up that must be dismissed. The extra popup feels like an unnecessary annoyance.


Same feeling here about the extra popup.

Ok, we can definitely add the link to the breadcrumb, but

I think the value of the pop-up is to get the node link without zooming in. Making the bullet a hyperlink only works if you choose the “Use bullet to zoom” option, which is not the default. Also the bullet is a relatively complicated element on the page (it needs to handle numbered list), we’ll see if it’s easy to turn it into a hyperlink.

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Thanks, appreciate the quick response and willingness to include these features.

Also coming from stagnant WorkFlowy and testing out DL.
I am not sure what you mean by “middle clicking” - is this a short cut you set up for your own mouse set-up?

However, from what I read, you mean that bullets and breadcrumbs should be able to open directly in a new tab like in WF. (In Chrome, the standard Win setup is to do it by right-clicking and selecting “open in new tab” from the context menu - OR even faster, Ctrl + left click).

I vote for this as well - I also use loads of tabs for all the different things I work with. And open both from the bullets and breadcrumbs.

I would like to add that since DL uses documents for the “top headings”, it would be useful also to be able to do the same for documents.
If this is more difficult (as these already have a “DL menu” overriding the browser context menu, at least it would be nice to have the choice added there).

As in using the mouse scroll wheel to click, which does the same thing as CTRL + left-click it looks like

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Props to Dynalist staff for making breadcrumbs real hyperlinks, just noticed it in this weeks changelog on the blog. Loving how responsive the staff are user requests.

Fingers crossed for making the bullets real hyperlinks too :pray:

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