Mac app - Zoom shortcuts not responding

Steps to reproduce

Clic on an item
Press cmd] to zoom in on it

Expected result

Focus on next hierarchical level (aka Zoomed in view of that particular item)

Actual result

Nothing happens


OSX 10.11.3 Using Dynalist desktop app (v. 1.0.1)

Additional information

Same thing with trying to zoom out from an item to the previous hierarchical level using cmd[

Additional comments

Thatā€™s really old. Did you just download it?

If you check out Main menu - ā€œAboutā€, it should say a new version is available. The newest right now is 1.0.29.

We canā€™t really debug a bug in an old version, so can you please restart the app to get a version and see if the problem still exist?

Thanks for the quick reply!

Unfortunately I canā€™t download any new versionā€¦ In 1.0.1 actually there is no ā€œAboutā€ in the Dynalist menu (to find out which version I had I used cmd+I on the app icon in the apps folder)

Iā€™ve downloaded again from dynalistā€™s website ( but the version I get from there is 1.0.1

Where can I download the latest update?

Itā€™s all auto-updated. Although version 1.0.1 doesnā€™t have the ā€œAboutā€ option, if nothing is blocking your internet restarting the app should update it to the latest version.

Give that a try?

Yes. Internet is fine but appā€™s not updatingā€¦

Has the app been open for more than, say, 10 minutes? It needs some time to check update and to download it.

Maybe not since I reinstalled. Although previously I had been using the app for about a week, having it running for long periodsā€¦

Iā€™ll wait for some minutes and tell you what happens

still nothing happensā€¦

Okay, weā€™ll upload a newer version soon the download page and let you know.

By the way, are you by any chance in the work environment?

No. Iā€™m using my homeā€™s network. Havenā€™t had any problems in autoupdating other apps not downloaded through the app store (Firefox, etcā€¦)

Sorry for jumping in. I think the auto update of the Mac Desktop App 1.0.1 is somehow broken. I have also installed the desktop app from the download page and have no 'about" option. In the package I see
<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>1.0.1</string>

I run the desktop app since weeks for longer period of times but no update has happened.

As soon as you have updated the version on the download page I will give it a try :slight_smile:

@p11 @Thomas_Fischler: thanks for the information, Iā€™ll update here once we upload the latest Mac version!

@p11 @Thomas_Fischler: a new version is uploaded to the Download page.

Could you guys please try again? Thanks!

Hi Erica!

I installed the new version (1.0.2., right?) and left it open for about 15 minutes. Then closed and reopened. It doesnā€™t seem to have updated, and the zooming problem is still there.

I had previously erased the older version of the app.

Does the ā€œAboutā€ menu option appear now?

And I think 1.0.2 is the version of the shell (the wrapper around Dynalist), not the actual Dynalist.

No, the about menu is not there

You said youā€™ve erased the app, have you deleted everything under ~/Library/Application Support/Dynalist/dynalist/packages?

I have done a simple install and everything seems to be OK now.

@p11: perhaps the meaning of the name ā€œabout menuā€ is not clear. We assume normally that every Mac application has an ā€œAboutā€ menu entry in the first main menu - but Dynalist has no About menu entry which now should show ā€œVersion 1.0.2ā€ (the desktop app version).
I think Erica is talking about the About entry in the Dynalist hamburger menu (the three vertical bars top right). Here I have now the About menu which shows Dynalist 10.0.29.

Many thanks Erica for the support!

Greetings from Switzerland.

Yes, thatā€™s correct! Except itā€™s Dynalist 1.0.29, not 10.0.29. I believe thatā€™s a typo though! :slight_smile:

Sorry I didnā€™t think of this.

Thanks Erica and @Thomas_Fischler for all your advice. I successfully reinstalled and have now the 1.0.29.

The only problem is that the zoom shortcuts (cmd+] comd+[) still do not work for me. The rest of the shortcuts are working fine.

Iā€™ve checked that theses shortcuts are not used for as systemwide shortcuts in the keyboard preferences.

Do they it work for you?

(Note: When I use them in the web app, they work as back or forward page, not as intended zoom in or out an item)