IOS Syncing slow and loses data

Steps to reproduce

Work on Chrome version of Dynalist while working on IOS version

Expected result

The syncing should be prompt and not interfere with each other
It is very important to have faith that Dynalist sync will work properly and not loose data.

Actual result

Syncing seems stuck or very slow on IOS. I lost work that I did on web while making updates on IOS. I could not even undo on web after losing changes.


Which operating system are you using? Mac and IOS
Which browser are you using? Chrome
If you’re using a desktop or mobile app, what’s the version number of Dynalist? latest
Are you using any third-party scripts for Dynalist, e.g. PowerPack? No

Additional information

Additional comments

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Were you able to see the changes in the version history of the document? Knowing this would help determine which side of the device is observing sync issues.

Also could you give us just a bit more info on which side of the data did/did not sync with the other side?