Improve visual effect of zooming in and out

I would almost never go out of my way to make a feature request concerning visual affects, but when I would zoom in and out in Workflowy, it would look very smooth. I suppose the reason this was actually so useful was because the effect was different depending on if you zoomed in or out. If you zoomed in, the title of the parent list would go up into the path, and then if you zoom back out the parent list would come from the path back into place as the title. And some of the children also had smooth transitions.

Since I am constantly zooming in and out all the time, I feel like this helped my entire brain follow along faster with what I am doing. Zooming in and out in Dynalist feels slightly stressful.

It’s not a “top priority issue”. But I do wanna make sure it’s on this list.


@Matt_Groth Honestly, this kind of polish trumps any feature in my experience evangelizing for Dynalist, and it also just affects my daily happiness levels way more, so thanks for posting.



What | You Use Zoom Zoom Zoom For? And Why? (List of Helpful Uses For Zooming)

advanced-level (1000+ phds) footnotes:

trying out some internal linking -->

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Hi! I’m just switching (hopefully) from WorkFlowy. This “smooth zoom transition” feature is the only thing giving me trepidation switching.

I’m a bit surprised this isn’t more highly upvoted.

If you compare Dynalist to Workflowy, you’ll find that zooming into a bullet is faster and much smoother in Workflowy. For example, in Dynalist you see flashing as the screen vanishes and repopulates. Also, there is no instant visual feedback to confirm the bullet you’ve just zoomed into, because there is no zoom-in transition animation that slides the parent smoothly up and away.

I was wondering if this might be put into the list of things to implement?



Bumping this. And adding my agreement!

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Bumping again. This is a good idea.

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Definitely bumping this. This is awesome.

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Hmmm if only this one feature was there… I don’t why without it, dynalist somehow feels incomplete… It doesn’t make sense but some it feels incomplete.

Totally. This may not seem as important as adding the big features, but this kind of fit and finish stuff needs to done sometime. And it isn’t just eye candy. Like @Matt_Groth says, it helps you visualize how you are navigating through the outline. I’m little concerned that this was posted in 2017 and the zooming is still a jarring jump, not a smooth motion à la Workflowy. But I believe in you guys.


I am also surprised this isn’t upvoted more - it took me a couple minutes to figure out why, but zooming in Workflowy is much more intuitive as a result of the Zoom animation in Workflowy. Psychologically, the benefit is that it keeps you feeling that you are navigating through a physical space (i.e., the outline) rather than jumping around in a non-continuous way.

This isn’t one that would occur to many people, especially if they didn’t switch from Workflowy, but it is clearly the type of feature that would improve quality-of-life and, if placed side-by-side by Workflowy, I can’t imagine anyone would prefer the Dynalist (non)animation.


I want that too, zooming in workflowy keeps me using the app.

Another new comer from Workflowy that feels this effect esential. Hope is not difficult to achieve with the talent that the creators of Dyanlist have!

I never noticed this until now :slight_smile:
Dynalist looks awesome already compared to another tool I use - RoamResearch

It looks good. But the zoom in and zoom out effect that Workflowy have is very graphic and as smooth transition as one can hope for. This FRACTAL sensation change the usability.

Maybe @Erica a can explain to us if this is a very difficult thing to do (I know nothing about programming). But after comparing at detail Workflowy and Dynalist, this little effect is the sutile difference that change the feeling for me.

Maybe it sounds ridiculous. But again and again I’m opting for one more year of Workflowy subscription ONLY by this reason. Dynalist have all the other tools that I would pay for, but not this “feeling one” that the zoom effect bring to me in Workflowy.

Interesting. I have barely touched Workflowy because 2 years ago when I explored it, DynaList was so much better for its mobile app, and for the polish of many of its features. It never occurred to me that this feature you propose was missing. I’ve enjoyed DynaList and zooming without this dynamic effect.

I’m just switching from workflowy and totally agree with this idea.

I sometimes use outliner when I explain something .
Zooming in/out is very helpful because listeners can easily understand both the entire structure and details of what I want to explain.
And I think the “smooth zoom transition” helps listeners to understand what is happened in the outliner. Without it, they might get lost.

I wonder if someone can figure out what class is transitioning, and what CSS parameter causes smooth animation, and do this in custom CSS…not me