A: What did you think of such-and-such?
Me: What is such-and-such?
A: What do you mean? It’s the thing I shared with you the other day!
Me: I don’t remember this.
A: It’s on our shared Dynalist!
I don’t seem to get any notification when a collaborator updates Dynalist, and don’t have a method to stay updated on all edits. What’s a simple, effective way to see all the changes collaborators have made?
@Erica Hey, further to this - wouldn’t a notification list be simpler to implement than an orange dot?
I mean, especially considering there’s a version history?
Couldn’t you (kinda) print this and users that have these kind of head-scratching moments could breathe easy? Short step and a jump to notifications too.
Genuinely, it makes no sense not having notifications given that you do have shared lists. Notifications are fundamental for any similar functioning app.