Feature improvement request: Fewer steps to share to Dynalist in iOS

I’m very happy to have the sharing extension in iOS. I only wish that it didn’t involve so many steps.

Here’s the current process:

  1. Highlight text to clip, press Share.

  2. Press the Dynalist action button.

  3. Press Post.

  4. (The Dynalist app opens.) Press Add.

  5. Now you’re in Dynalist, so you have to return to the app you were in.

Contrast this with the process of sharing to Pocket: Share, Pocket, done. Crucially, you haven’t been removed from the app you were in.

Can we eliminate steps 3 - 5 above? Select, Share, Dynalist: done.

I don’t need an opportunity to edit what’s going into my inbox - I can edit later in Dynalist. I certainly don’t need two opportunities (steps 3 and 4). And I shouldn’t be redirected to the Dynalist app - in fact there shouldn’t by any reason to load the app at all, since you can just make an API call to add to inbox.


Thank you for posting this and for the Pocket reference. I was going to do the very same thing, so you saved me the work. Have you heard from anyone at dynalist about it? It’s an incredibly clunky flow.

No response so far - @Erica, any thoughts on this?

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