Export as Markdown with applying heading level in Dynalist (Bookmarklet)

I created this bookmarklet for writing blog posts with Dynalist.



  • Export a zoomed node and its children nodes recursively.
    • Checked nodes are ignored when export.
    • Collapsed (invisible) nodes are ignored when export.
  • Nodes have heading level in Dynalist is exported to Markdown header # h1 ## h2 ā€¦ .
  • Nodes donā€™t have heading level is exported to Markdown list - list with indent.

How to use

  • Set heading level to node you want to export as header in Dynalist.
    • The first child node must has heading level.
  • Add bookmarklet script to your browserā€™s favorite. (script is instead of URL)
  • Open Dynalist with browser.
  • Zoom in to a node that is root for export.
  • Click bookmarklet. Then a new tab is opened.
  • Click ā€œcopy and closeā€ button to copy markdown to clipboard and close the tab.
  • Paste anywhere.
  • Enjoy!

Auto heading without setting heading-level

If you donā€™t want to bother with setting the heading level, you can try this version.
It has bookmarklets for each level of hierarchy to be treated as headings.

Heading level 1


Heading level 2


Heading level 3


Heading level 4


Wow. This opens up a new dimension to working with Dynalist.


Great, thanks!

1 Like

Very cool project! Publishing in a button :slight_smile:


This is great! Would it be possible to make a version that automatically added H1 and H2 headers for the top two outline levels, whether or not they are marked as such in Dynalist?

What would be really amazing would be the ability to select the number of header levels to have (between one and three), depending on the complexity of a particular outlineā€¦


Thank you for your request and feedback!
I added Auto heading without setting heading-level section and bookmarklets.
I hope you enjoy it.

How does this work? Can share step-by-step how to export it to Markdown?

Thank you.

How does a bookmarklet work?

Create a Chrome bookmark, and paste the javascript:... stuff where the URL goes. Now when you click it, when on a website, it will run the javascript code on that website. In this case, it formats the dynalist document to markdown.