Don't interfere with CMD-click or CTRL-click

Steps to reproduce

  1. Zoom a few nodes into a document so that you get breadcrumb navigation links at the top of the document.
  2. CMD-click or CTRL-click (depending on your operating system) one of the links in the breadcrumb navigation.

Expected result

A new tab should open with that link.

Actual result

The current tab navigates to the link.


Which operating system are you using?

Which browser are you using?

If youā€™re using a desktop or mobile app, whatā€™s the version number of Dynalist?
Not an app. Iā€™m using the browser.

Are you using any third-party scripts for Dynalist, e.g. PowerPack?

Additional information

The breadcrumb links have event handlers attached to them and these event handlers donā€™t account for the case where the CMD or CTRL key is being held down while clicking. This can be fixed easily by checking the event property evt.ctrlKey (itā€™s the same name on all operating systems):

As simple as this:
if (evt.ctrlKey) {
return true;
else {
return yourCurrentFunctionCall(params);

Sounds like a valid use case, we can add that in.

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Itā€™s a little more than just a valid use case. CTRL-clicking a link is one of the features of every browser on every operating system. Itā€™s one of the core habits of browsing the web! Itā€™s not something a website should break without a veeeeery good reason.

The event handler was put in place originally to prevent a full page reload when you click on any navigation links. Either way, middle click still works apparently!

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Should be fixed now.

Yep, it works now. Thank you!

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