Cursor not aligned with bullet in Firefox

Steps to reproduce

Create a new document, and add items to it.

Expected result

Cursor appears next to bullets.

Actual result

Cursor appears too low for a blank bullet. Once I start typing, the cursor is in the correct location. See screenshot below for an example.


Windows 10, Firefox browser.

I tried also on Chrome, and that appears to work fine. Only Firefox appears to be affected.

I tried clearing the Firefox cache, but that made no difference.

Additional information

Screenshot showing the problem:

Thanks for letting us know, @Zoltan!

@Shida: could you take a look?

Yep, that was definitely me who broke this. I got a fix for this ready, and it will be deployed soon.

Update: this should be fixed now. Could you verify, @Zoltan?

Yep, looks good on my side. It appears to be fixed now.

1 Like

Thanks for verifying! :thumbsup:

I have similar problem now.CCDXKX7K%40GRUS%40(9VPDFWHM

Which browser is this, is it Firefox like in OP’s case?

By the way, we don’t support Internet Explorer, so if that’s the case, please consider using Microsoft Edge or Chrome.