Add spell-checking support for desktop apps

Just realize thereā€™s no central feature request post for this one. There have been bug reports about this, and from now on discussion can happen here.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Thanks for adding this Erica! I was just looking to see if it would be considered a ā€œbugā€ or just a missing feature. This feature is critical for me in using the desktop version of the app. I check in once a month or so to see if itā€™s been added.

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The lack of this makes the Desktop app unusable for me

Thanks for the input guys!

Really would be a big help for my dyslexic ass in the windows app. I have to switch to my markdown program before I can send notes out of dynalist!

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Second this. Was just about to launch a bug report for this then came about this thread.

This is disappointing. I just moved here from Workflowy specifically because their desktop app also does not have spelling. Do you have a timeline on implementation?

Sorry, thereā€™s no detailed timeline for this.

The spell checker is basically provided by the browser and we just chose to enable it, which is easy. On the desktop app we need to implement the spell checker from scratch, which is a huge and difficult task. So itā€™s normal that WorkFlowy doesnā€™t have it either. I hope thatā€™s understandable!

Really sorry for the inconveniences! :cry:

In fact lack of a normal spellchecker makes Pro version unusable for me. As a bloger I canā€™t operate with large amounts of text in combination with checklists whout a spellchecker. Not sure why the desktop feature is so difficult to implement. Cause from my point itā€™s just a UI for Google of Microsoft text\translate APIs. Nothing fancy. Just add this to the Pro version and Iā€™ll gladly pay for it. Otherwise you guys are no better then tons of free alternatives.

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Really hoping this gets addressed soon :confused:
Notionā€™s desktop app has a great spell checker, Iā€™m pretty sure that this forum thread is only a few months younger than their app has been out. Pretty absurd.

Iā€™ll second, third, fourth, fifth and so on this feature request!

Would make Dynalist SO much more functional for me and I would gladly pay the Pro fee for this alone. Please!!

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Iā€™m just commenting so you know I left your platform solely because of this. Thanks!

This is a big deal for me too. I understand the technical limitation though. Any chance thereā€™s an API for it?

No need to be like that. Youā€™re using a service for free.

require('web-frame').setSpellCheckProvider("en-US", true, {
  spellCheck: function(text) {
    return !(require('spellchecker').isMisspelled(text));

If youā€™re using electron, thereā€™s this.

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Thanks for being so positive.

Do you mind me asking where did you get the code snippet from?

If this feature is ever added, please add a keyboard shortcut to toggle spellcheck. Some technical documents will have a lot of notation that doesnā€™t belong to any spoken language. One of my biggest gripes with workflowy is that my documents are scattered with little red underlines underneath anything detailed that I write.

Then Dynalist in its current incomplete form is surprisingly good for your use case!

Yep. Would be great to be able to spellcheck my work at the time of my choosing, though.

Of course! I got it from this merged github pull request:

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