Zoom to document title when navigating to document within document

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start in document X, zoomed into some item
  2. Use Ctrl-O to navigate to document X

Expected result

I’m zoomed out to the document title.

Actual result



Chrome on OS X


  • Because how else can I zoom back to the document title from my keyboard (easily)?
  • The behaviour of doing nothing wouldn’t be missed.

I guess it would be more a feature request, because the documents could be seen as programs one would switch around via alt-tab, if that makes sense. Not saying that it’s a bad idea, of course.

Also, if someone wanted to quickly grab something from one document and then return to the previous one, it might be a bit annoying to have to go back and zoom in. But I guess if there’s a way to implement detecting which document the user is on, and then applying an additional action (zooming out), then we could both get what we’d want.

[quote=“JP1, post:2, topic:142”]
if someone wanted to quickly grab something from one document and then return to the previous one, it might be a bit annoying to have to go back and zoom in.[/quote]

Oh yeah, absolutely; to clarify, I was expecting to be zoomed back out when I navigate to document X when I am already in document X, which is what you mention here:

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I see, so it only happens when you’re already in that document. That makes sense!

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Hi @Yatharth_Agarwal, so for digging this up, cleaning up bugs before New Year :slight_smile:

So the last zoom location is saved for each document, which resulted in this bug. Why not use the back button, by the way?

Because it’s not a single step back to root! I’m sometimes deep, deep into documents—you can relate. It takes time, and I can’t jump to root without thinking—it makes my mental memory ‘swap’ (to all normal people: apologies for the awfully computational analogy).

Also, speaking of the back button, if I can zoom straight to root, I can hit back to go back to exactly where I was working—which is a very common scenario. Example, I have a To Do item at root I update, or I need to access a link I store in the note of the root, so I want to briefly jump to root and go back.

I’m assuming you want to stay on the keyboard for this? Otherwise you could click/tap on the breadcrumb.

Exactly! Navigating Dynalist is quite a keyboard-only activity for me.

I see. The bug has been tracked and we will fix it as soon as we can! Thanks again for letting us know.

Should be fixed now, @Yatharth_Agarwal, thanks again for reporting!

@Yatharth_Agarwal: could you confirm please?

Works now; awesome!

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Thanks for confirming!