Zeksa (Outliner with Document Templates for Output)

Zeksa is an interesting new writing tool that combines a workflowy-like outliner with the ability to output to formatted PDF the way Scrivener or Ulysses do. I am not the developer or even a user of this app, but I thought it would be interesting for other Dynalist users (as well as the developers) to take a look at. Here is the discussion on Reddit.


Just a quick note that a PDF export is possible with the Desktop App as well. It’s browser functionality. But idk how this differentiates from Zeksa.


But idk how this differentiates from Zeksa.

Zeksa offers document style formatting, so that an outline could look more like a research report than an outline after printing. There are also multiple formats and the ability to preview output. Beyond that, I don’t really know.

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