Workflowy Web Clipper: in-line editing for captures

Workflowy have just released an upgraded web clipper with the ability to insert links and copied text into the outline via a pop-up window. The outline can be edited live in the window. Should be particularly useful for text based research.

Will the Dynalist clipper be getting some love anytime soon? Easy to neglect it as it’s not on the radar of the main app development.


This is good:

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This isn’t quite the same as being able to edit the outline in a pop-out window like you describe, but this Chrome extension gives you more options on formatting your clipping and where you want to place it (instead of only placing into your designated Inbox).


Thanks for the request, maybe the title can be changed to something more descriptive so people who are interested in the idea have a higher chance to open it? :smiley:

Also, which clipper are you referring to? Did a quick search on Chrome Web Store and didn’t see any released by Workflowy officially.

:+1: Title of post changed


Thank you @pottster !

I don’t understand why this extension didn’t come up in my search when I searched for “WorkFlowy”… :thinking:

In any case, it looks like they’re loading your entire WorkFlowy in a small window, which is not hard to do but very different than what we’re doing now (we made a separate view and added the item through API).

We’ll see what we can do!