[[ will pop up item search and make an internal link. What the heck that's super useful, had no idea until accidentally typing it

That is all.

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Yeah, I’m constantly using this super useful feature! Let’s take a moment to appreciate how amazing it is…

I’d like to give lots of :heart: to @Erica and @Shida for their brilliant work. Keep it up!

On-topic: I’ve got a tip that I (re-)learned yesterday. If you use a dynalist internal ink url but without the markdown syntax [text](url) then the dynalist decorator will replace this link by the node content. The result looks exactly like the markdown link produced by the auto-completion.
But the great advantage is that you can change the node and all the links (decorations) will be updated!

This is important to me because I have my knowledge base in dynalist and while it grows organically, I have to change and adjust the headings constantly. And not having to manually update all link texts is a huge benefit.


It’s in the Formatting & Shortcuts all the time (at the top too), but I guess you closed it right after started using Dynalist…


Whoa Viktor that’s way better.

Honestly [[ ought to only put the internal url if it results in self-syncing markdown. That’s way better default functionality. I’m going to be manually deleting the markdown each time so it self-syncs the content.

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Using naked dynalist links is a high-risk-high-reward business.
On the plus side we get automatic update of link text via the link decorator.
But the downside is that in the “plaint text” we have only a cryptic dynalist link. While this is not a big problem for editing, think about (plaintext) backups. They have only the cryptic link. And if you ever restore a backup dynalist would create new internal links making the old ones nonsensical. Also, we have to be careful not to move a node outside its document because its url would change.
If you used the current static system [text](url) you could at least search for the text and replace all broken links by hand.

In an ideal world, we would have the current markdown syntax [text](url) where the text gets updated when we update the original node. But a script for that would be quite busy searching and updating all links. :smile: