What top 5 features/things would make you Dynalist more?

Yeah, thatā€™s our fear as well. Weā€™re afraid to start doing anything before having a plan on how to do it without sacrificing the simplicity.


Goodmorning Erica,

Most Important it must be Simple, how i like @piotr extension it makes it more customize but also more less simple ā€¦ Hope to see new features become an part with an single click or shortcut to activateā€¦

So i can Dynalist as my Main System i have dropped my Things3 by CulturedCode and using Dynalist for everythingā€¦ maybe it can also replace my DayOne for Journaling ā€¦

Looking forward to the Next Steps and to iOS11 ā€¦ for my iPad Pro will that be an Productivity Boost with Dynalist, that said it would be helpful to have Slide Over feature so i can drag my stuff into Dynalist ā€¦

Tables can be created in markdown already - itā€™s vanilla HTMLā€¦ unless weā€™re trying to create more advanced tables, I donā€™t see how it would slow anything down.

I love Dynalist and use it daily. Here are a few things that would make it even better for me:

  • Flat List Search Results. This would allow me to search for, say, tasks due today, and see them all as a single list instead of a hierarchy. (I perceive this as a view of the found nodes ā€“ Iā€™m not proposing that they would actually be moved around in the hierarchy.) It would be nice to be able to edit the text and complete the tasks too.
  • Sortable search results. In addition to the above Iā€™d love to be able to sort the results. For project management, this would allow me to, for example, search for tasks due in the next week, ordered by due date. For story planning, this would allow me to, for example, find all the events in each characterā€™s history and view them as a single unified timeline. This feature would be super userful for me.
  • Alphabetical sorting of tags. I like the current sorting by frequency, itā€™s very useful. Sometimes Iā€™m looking for a specific tag, and itā€™s hard to find the one I want when sorted by frequency.
  • Hierarchy or grouping of tags. It would be handy to be able to view my tags by group or hierarchy. For example, seeing all context tags together, or character tags together, or all storyline tags together.
  • Export formatted code and links. Currently if I export or copy-and-paste a formatted outline, some elements are not rendered as HTML. Bold and Italic render to HTML fine, but code blocks and links remain formatted as Markdown. This is frustrating when I am, for example, exporting meeting notes to an email for coworkers.

@JP1, thanks for bringing up this topic.

Dev team, Dynalist is a fantastic app and I love that you listen to your users!

Thanks much,


  1. Outlook add-in (copy mail GRUD/link) like todoist
  2. WYSIWYG (like bear app)
  3. Search & Replace like search & replace :slight_smile:
  4. Count selected items
  5. Recurring tasks

More themes
More layout options like:

  • hover menu to see it
  • Document align center / mid / right / left
    More fonts
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Thatā€™s the only one I donā€™t understandā€¦

My guess is to have menus fully appear in place of the tooltip when the cursor is hovered over them.

Excatly ! :slight_smile:
That the menus (Top and on the right) are barely visible and if You hover on them itā€™s fully visible.

About that -> Center doc alignment is to center :smiley: and w/o this option is too much on the right side. I would like to have something between those two option. Please donā€™t take me wrong Iā€™m not complaining :grin: If this will not change Iā€™m still ok :slight_smile:

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No worries, thereā€™s no misunderstanding! Thank you very much for the suggestions and for the clarification :slight_smile:

To be honest, by far the most important thing to me is the API. I would very much like it if dynalist existing as a foundational tool with a great API, and then future UI features were done by other parties/packages.

  1. Email to Dynalist
  2. Search and Replace text


  1. Native iOS app (or at least something that feels like it, with feature parity to desktop)
  2. Search and Replace
  3. Cloning
  4. Greatly improved document management
  5. List recently edited documents in tab
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1. Dual/Multi-pane Support This would boost my productivity exponentially since I spend a lot of time moving items to different sections of my documents. Obviously then Iā€™m assuming multi-pane support would provide the ability to drag an item/tree from one pane to another. Much faster and more precise than the ā€˜move toā€¦ā€™ function.

Itā€™s nice to see that this is still the #2 most vote-getting feature request but not so nice to see that itā€™s been sitting on the roadmap for like 3 years now. Anybody that agrees with me, feel free to toss extra votes at it here: https://trello.com/c/N2ilb1oo/135-split-screen

2. Uncollapse items when new items are dragged onto it So, if Iā€™ve got a collapsed tree with a ton of stuff under it and I want to drag a new item into that tree, I shouldnā€™t have to uncollapse it explicitly first - I should just be able to drag my item over the bullet and hover for a second and the list should auto-uncollapse. TBD if it would auto-close once done or just stay open.

3. Better tools for visualizing levels of the hierarchy Something I actually really like when forced to use Wordā€™s outline mode - just give me some buttons at the top that let me show only (for example) 2 levels deep within the current document, etc.

4. Make item 1 better :slight_smile:

5. Spend more time on item 3 :slight_smile:

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Wow, you didnā€™t even have 5 requests! Very focused! :clap:

  1. Have the lists scroll up or down when dragging an item to the top or bottom border of the screen. Currently manually reordering items in not very short lists is barely possible and the only deal breaker for me.

Alarms/Notifications based on time and place:

Notifications and alarms for due dates and times is the one key missing feature. But the one feature that would set you apart from the rest is to be able to be notified based om time AND/OR place.
At store? Remember all items in shoppinglist. In meeting at clients office? Remember these items.

Structure in tags:

I want to see all people or companies I have to follow up with without manually clicking on each and every one of the people tags or company tags. Or just see all office tags when Iā€™m at the office.

ā€” @PersonA
ā€” @PersonB
ā€” @PersonC

ā€” @CompanyA
ā€” @CompanyB
ā€” @CompanyC

ā€” #PC
ā€” #Printer
ā€” #Rendering

  1. Mobile multi-select
  2. Lossless sync between devices working concurrently. JP1ā€™s 1. would fit.
  3. Basic tables

Second that. It would be a real boost.

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  1. Grouped or structured tag panel
  2. View to see how tags link to other tags. This would be powerful for my #todolist. as I could visually see how my actions relate to other tags (eg clients etc)
  3. The Tag Panel is good to view your tag data. the default view is just basic view. I found that if i wanted to see all the details on the tag I had to save a bookmark "ancestor: tag OR tagā€ for each tag. My wish here is that from Tag Panel you could just view basic or full details
  4. Sharing a link to a tag search. if i group some ideas on topic X i would like to share them