What Search Rules Apply to Move?

When I use Cmd-Shift-M (or Ctrl-Shift-M) to move an item, the search does not behave like the magnifying glass search. What rules/operators apply to Move’s search?

Near as I can tell it implements “contains the letters you entered, in the order you entered them, with space treated as a wildcard.” Could we get an “Item Mover Search operators reference” page to accompany the “Search operators reference” page, even if it says “Implements only fuzzy search” (and then defines fuzzy search)?

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Plus it will prioritize current document before other documents. You have it correct. There’s nothing more to it, and no operators that I know of.

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I’ll just add that it is inadequate as is. There are many times I give up and instead resort to Cut, Search, Open, Paste, because I couldn’t find it with Move.

I came here today to get some clarification on this as well. The “only search the words in order” thing gets me every time, especially with the new templates feature.

My brain always starts by typing my #template tag, then whatever other text I know is in the field. I can see prioritizing the ordered text, or even excluding out-of-order results at first for performance reasons. But if there are no other results it seems like it should continue the search including for “out of order”. I’d rather wait for an extra 2 seconds than have to sit there and think “I know I had a template named Weekly Cheese Chooser, tagged with #template…why isn’t it showing up?”

Hopefully now that I’ve got some clarification, I’ll at least be able to remember that I need to do a better job of remembering the order that I typed things…but that can be a bit of a guessing game for things not used on a regular basis. Lack of consistent behavior across the app makes for confused and potentially grumpy users.

ab cd ef, in dynalist popup searches, will give results traditionally written in other software more like *ab*cd*ef* in:current_document

So, in your case, “cheese #t” would probably get the right result.

Yeah, unfortunately, we have to be mindful how we name things, if you intend them to be found via the popup box.

Personally, I use a unique shorthand code like f1 or h2 at the start of any item I want to be easy to find, then I just have to type 2 characters in the search box, then press Enter, without looking. But that’s just because I only have ~10 categories (letter) I usually seek, with ~5 priority levels (number), so it works for my system. I think for your system, just tacking #t to the end will work. Or put #template at the start of your items, then you can start with #t then start typing the keyword to winnow it down.

After some more consideration, this is very workable for my system. The key is knowing and remembering that there is a difference in how search works depending on where you are searching from, which isn’t clear until you suddenly can’t find a note that you know contains all of the words you are putting into the move/template search box. Anyway, moving the #template tag to the start of my templates is easy enough and will make things easier on future me, who inevitably seems to have only a vague recollection of present me…which is why I need Dynalist in the first place.