Want to know Best Practices for Item Linking and Navigation in Dynalist

Hello everyone,

I am new in this forum and I am loving how it helps organize my studies and tasks. I have a question about a specific point. I would be appreciate your perceptivity.
I have a design that spans several lists & I want to link to a specific item in List A from List B without duplicating it; Is there a way to produce a link to an item in one document from another document and how can I snappily find and navigate to particulars across different documents. Is there a hunt function that lets me search across all documents and snappily jump to the applicable item. What are some stylish practices for organizing and linking particulars across documents to maintain a clear structure and avoid clutter?
I would love to hear how you are using Dynalist for analogous scripts or if you have any tips on perfecting workflow effectiveness with these features. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks in advance for your help

You can get the link to an item by either copying the URL from the address bar or by clicking the hamburger on the left of the item and “get link”.

There are keyboard shortcuts for both getting a link to an item and for finding any item across all documents, but I believe they are pro features

Edit: you can als type “[[“ at any time to open a menu where you can search items to link to

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Good day Liamani. Recently someone else asked a similar question and I posted this: There are so many things to recommend in the forum here. For instance, check this out: https://talk.dynalist.io/t/how-do-you-use-search-and-tags-to-get-around/

Perhaps that may be helpful.

There is a lot in your inquiry there. Spending time on this forum using various search criteria will reveal some deep discussions on different approaches people use.

I think when starting out with a tool like this one will likely end up trying out different structure~patterns before landing on something that actually works. Patience and time were required in my case, and I am still working on formulating ‘better methods’. ::sigh:: (lol)

The de-duplication thing is a little challenging in Dynalist. Some other outliner~type softwares provide facility for “full inclusions” from various parts of your lists, so that a “link” to another entry somewhere will/can include the whole ‘other entry’ contents …Dynalist does not have this feature, so here then you have to sculpt your method of managing the data list-to-list accordingly.

Of course, the search function in the upper right is your friend for local or documents~scope searching (the help menu, under the upper-right hamburger menu, will lead you to the knowledgebase for unlocking all the particulars). The link above (in my post) should help lead you into myriad discussions for a deeper understanding of how to leverage complex tagging and searching methods for taming cross-lists access.

“stylish practices…” For myself, and I have posted in detail on this elsewhere, I found I had to boil the scope of my “particulars” into fundamental categories (for me ‘4’) in order to manage distinctive flows vs their crossover with one another. I wont go into too much detail here, but say…

…say I am managing people/workers, places/jobsites, resources/materials and time/project~flows…
As a loose [partial] example then, one document focuses on divisions of jobsites with a breakout under each for its’ projects, but then each project has its own document focusing on its’ unique [multidimensional] structure -for maintaining integrity/continuity for it as a whole. Then there’s time/sheets and people
…bottomline is tagging and formulating complex seaches (search patterns I can save) then allow me to pull filtered views from various lists together to see what I need, for instance…

  • this aspect of that project with these people on a specified date
  • this company/person and the jobs they are working on
    • could be on a specified jobsite, or all the sites/projects I have them retained for
  • etc

I hope this was helpful …at all. There are some folks here who are way more advanced at using these types of tools, and coming from higher scholastic understandings than I yet have.
Good luck!