True offline mode or encryption - Update

I would really benefit from a true offline mode (see trello) or encryption. I love dynalist, but currently, I don’t feel comfortable using it for work-related things. How far are you with these features?

I think a true offline mode would really benefit dynalist, since it allows users, especially in the EU, to use it for sensitive data. This might be something that you could use to sell more dynalist pro. Rn I am using the free version and I would immediately switch to pro if pro would support a true offline mode.

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Concur, I can’t use a cloud version, only offline, would be willing to go pro.

Good news, it was added to Pro

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So, apparently I have the pro version as I’ve just started using it. My plan was to work completely offline and I was horrified to find out that everything I’ve done here has been uploaded in the internet. So I switched to offline but my initial pro subscription will end in a few days.
That basically means, when I delete all my documents in the cloud and my subscription ends, it will either re-upload all my private data in the internet again or delete it locally, depending on how much coffee the sync algorithm had, right?

I would also be interested to hear more about this. Is there any blog post explaining how the offline mode offered in pro version works and how secure it is for the data? Question is, can I use it for data that I can’t put online for GDPR concerns and school policies? What happens if I use Dynalist on my phone and laptop and then there is a mismatch of the different versions?