kevin erica said she might implement ++highlighting++ natively here though
I suck at javascript (so these list of items would take awhile) so I’m actually taking a course on it right now on, since I find I need to know javascript to make a lot of tools I want.
The dashboard idea is something I definitely want (to ping myself Todo list reminders or postpone it later), but the problem right now is it wouldn’t work everywhere in dynalist without a dynalist API. (or maybe it could, I’m not actually sure)
It could definitely work if that data was sent to a server though (e.g. you had a todolist in one area, and you had tamperscript run on that list at least once/day, assuming you actually looked at that list once/day or clicked something). Or datamining your backup data. Piotr said you could read the DOM as well depending on what things dynalist were changing on there.
I found the workflowy agenda thing you were referring to
I’m going have to do a lot of homework, youtubing, and stackoverflowing
at least this gives me a fun project to do to learn javascript and maybe I can evolve it into some chrome extensions, rawbytez gave me a quick guideline on how to tinker with chrome extensions too already
EDIT I did more test on the agenda thing, it works everywhere on workflowy, even if your zoomed in and the item is outside the list. I’m not entirely sure if dynalist works the same way (grabbing items outside whatever list view your at), although I know dynalist is based in node.js and workflowy is in django python. I’ll have to ask piotr whether or not you can currently grab data outside of whatever view mode your at though in dynalist