Sub-node to Node makes the page jump

Steps to reproduce

I have a list with Alphabetized nodes (for better sorting), say I am working inside P node, going back to the main nodes page makes the page jump back up to A, not the cursor position but the page.

Expected result

Stay at P, so to say.

Actual result

Page jump to A, again, so to say.


Chrome 68.0.3403.0, Windows 10 16299.371

Additional information

Additional comments

It is easily fixed by moving the cursor up and down but this feels like a bug of some sort. Thanks.

Sorry for the late reply! ā€‹Could you explain a bit more on what do you mean by ā€œgoing back to the main nodes pageā€?

Say, I make a New Document, ND. This should be the main page. Under it are alphabetical nodes/bullets. (My use case) so if Iā€™m working in node/bullet P, coming back to ND would have the page jump from P to the top, A.

Also, there is a lot of scroll/place jumping in documents. Iā€™d scroll all the way down and the page would jump where the cursor is or by default to the top. In long documents this creates a nuisance because you have to scroll twice.

Also, sorry for the confusing main post.

Sorry for the late reply!

By that you mean you zoomed out to ND, is that correct?

Yes, zoomed out to ND.

Sorry for the late reply. Now Iā€™m able to repro it, thanks for the explanation!

We have tracked this bug on our todo list, and will fix it as soon as we can! Thanks again for letting us know. Iā€™ll update here when itā€™s fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you for looking into it.

Hi, is this really fixed?
Iā€™m still seeing a jump back to the top of the parent item when using a Zoom-Out (on Chrome)