I would like to propose a new feature: sort children by due date. This could be an addition to the existing sort methods in the node menu. When sorting this way, each node is sorted by the first due date present in its title or note. Nodes without due dates are sorted to the bottom.
So a list like:
- Do taxes !(2019-04-15)
- Work on next chapter of book
- Call Mom !(2019-03-19)
- Visit national park
- Go to the grocery store !(2019-03-13)
…would look like this when sorted:
- Go to the grocery store !(2019-03-13)
- Call Mom !(2019-03-19)
- Do taxes !(2019-04-15)
- Work on next chapter of book
- Visit national park
This feature would be very helpful when reviewing task lists, allowing me to see quickly which items are coming up and in which order.
Thanks for considering it!