Simple voice additions to Dynalist on iOS

Knowing this has been requested for some time, it seems like it may never arrive as it must be down the priorities list for the developers (due respect to them).
I’ve spent a good amount of time looking for a way to do the following:

Hey Siri: Dynalist Mow the Lawn.

Nothing more. Nothing less. No having to click buttons, find menu items, hit send, add body and subject separately to an email. Essentially a mirror of the simplicity when doing:

Hey Siri: Remember to Mow the Lawn.

I’ve tried an app called EmailMe which was pretty buggy and required separate entry of subject and body in emails but again is just too many operations.

IFTTT and other workarounds are too complex and still don’t provide the simplicity.

Does anyone know of another iOS app that can reduce the sending of a single subject line (without dealing with the body) to Dynalist?

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They’re not workarounds - the Dynalist API has REST command and email address as the two official ways to input to your inbox from any of the billions of 3rd party services on the internet. Siri,Alexa,Google,Cortana,Bixby, on and on. You have to get the third party thing to cooperate somehow.

The thing about programming computers is that you do a complex thing once, in order to have a simple thing forever on. I can set up the IFTTT method using the tutorial on these forums in about 1 minute, but that’s because I did it many times already. It’s not as complex as it might look. It’s a REST command, which is the standard way cloud based services interconnect with third parties. Unfortunately, it’s about as simple as it can be, unless someone packages it all up into a very niche app, which I don’t see why anyone would bother. A novice might take 20 minutes. But the end result is that after those 20 minutes, you never have to touch IFTTT again in your life, and just shout “Hey Siri Add Remember to Mow the Lawn” and it instantly appears in your Dynalist.

The alternative it to set an email address in Dynalist settings, add that to your phone contacts, and say “Send email to Dynalist about Remember to Mow the Lawn”. I prefer the simpler phrasing IFTTT gives you though.