Request is simple. When user types “#” Dynalist shows a popup with a list of possible tags. There is a button “Show all” that shows all tags that you have in all your documents. But for some weird reason they are not alphabetically sorted. So it’s actually not that comfortable to use when you need to look through the list and fine tags corresponding to the topic you need.
They are sorted by number of occurrences (e.g. how frequently they get used). I think that’s the most common way to present it.
So you’re saying you want to tag something but have to find the tag? That seems a bit edge case to me. When I tag something I always know what I want to tag. Autocomplete is just for saving typing.
Yeah, with a lot of documents in Dynalist sometimes you find it hard to list all relevant tags from your head. That’s when actually looking through all tags makes sense. Truth be told I cannot imagine other uses for “Show all” functionality (though I’m pretty sure there might be). And in this case have them alphabetically sorted, I think, is more comfortable.
Maybe you can create a poll and see what other people think?
Also, if you want to find a tag, you can inquiry the tag pane, and the tag pane can be alphabetically sorted
When popup with possible tags is shown, only several tags are visible. But if you press “Show all”, you can actually see all tags. Please, answer, how should the list be sorted?
- “Show All” list should be alphabetically sorted
- “Show All” list should be sorted by the number of occurences
0 voters
Do you mind if I move this poll to the “Polls” section? When a poll is buried in a post like this, I’m worried that it won’t receive the attention that it needs, defeating the purpose of the poll.
@Erica. Sure, go ahead