Should Today be marked overdue?

This pertains to the effect of “highlight overdue” being on in Settings.


I wish it was green (as per my css styling to green/red)

  • ‘Today’ should be styled like past items
  • ‘Today’ should style like future items
  • I wish Today had a unique color of its own.
  • I don’t really care
0 voters

I think overdue makes sense. I got in trouble at work because a manager thought Friday meant it’d be done when they got to work. I thought it meant I had until the end of the day. Either way, you’re in that ambiguous danger zone and it needs attention, therefore it’s the same color as past due items. If I know the time it’s due, then I put that in dynalist, and it colors it as a future item accordingly.

In a perfect world (according to me), there would be a setting in preferences to have “today” be highlighted different from the past or future, or same as one or t’other.

That OR at least assign accessible CSS so we can customize it. For myself, I need “today” to stand out from previous vs future dates.
Just my Two-Sense.
Cheers ;^)